- Opencv Java API is a Java Vision Library to be used for Image processing,Opencv Java API is a Java Vision Library to be used for Image processing
- motion detection made in processing. it detects motion in stream taken from webcam using OpenCV specialised and dedicated library. It is based on Java and is free - made by Intel-motion detection made in processing. it detects motion in stream taken
- A java based programming environment - processing - free from processing.org. here it uses a free library - OpenCV - to detect blobs in a live video capture - some parts like - hands or head or the entire human are evidenced through some visual eff
- A java application - processing which can be downloaded free from processing.org Here it uses a free library - OpenCV - made by intel. .. to convert all the pixels in an image - in fact in a movie - a capture from the webcam. If the color of a pixe
- 采用ndk实现安卓的C++开发,调用opencv库,实现在安卓系统上图像的显示和处理-Ndk realized using C++ developers Andrews, call opencv library that implements the image on the display and processing Android
- opencv-310.jar是针对图像的处理库文件(Opencv-310.jar is a library file for image processing)