- ebook - tutorial on making a joomla template -ebook - tutorial on making a joomla template !!!..
- 一个基于图形的程序做一个随机游走,有时也被称为一个醉汉走路。假定醉汉初始位置为400x400像素图形的中央,每走一步都是5像素。方向为上下左右随机。-a graphics-based program to do a random walk, sometimes also known as a drunkard s walk. A random walk simulates the wandering of an intoxicated person on a square street grid
- java语言编写的实现一维随机行走模型,界面简单直观-one-dimensional random walk model, java language is simple and intuitive interface
- 典型的八数码问题,运用人工智能中的经典爬山算法求解,初始状态由最终状态随机走n步产生,最后输出求解路径-A typical eight digital problem, the use of artificial intelligence in the classic climbing algorithm, the initial state is determined by the final state generates random walk n steps, the final sol
- 上方為女性,下方為男性,以石頭為牆,亂數隨機走-Top for women, lower for men to stone for the wall, random number random walk
- Drunkard.java Your Drunkard class. The interface is provided. You will be completing the implementation, and a test driver for it. RandomWalkViewer.java Your RandomWalkViewer class. You create this file and class. RandomWalkComponent.java Your Ra