- 1 - base64 decode 2 - url encode 3 - url decode 4 - md5 hash 5 - random str 6 - sha1 hash 7 - DES hash 8 - CRC32 9 - rot13 encode 10 - ASCII -> bin 11 - ASCII -> dec 12 - ASCII -> hex 13 - ASCII -> char() 14 - AS
- 网络工具,使用Java程序向制定URL地址提交表单或发送数据包并取得返回的数据包 以POST方式向指定地址发送数据包请求,并取得返回的数据包 以POST方式向指定地址提交表单 url解码 url编码-Network tool, developed using the Java program to submit the form or URL address to send data packets and the packets get back The POST meth