- 从一开始就使用动态提交技术,第一个界面中书类名是从数据库中动态输入的,在第二个界面你可以选择任意多的图书,选择购买,按提交按钮进入下一个界面,在这个界面中可以修改购买数量,修改完毕后按修改数目按钮后自动计算每件商品的单价和总价并显示出来,如果还想继续购物,则按左上角继续购买商品图标返回到前面的界面继续挑选商品,同样挑选完毕,按确认按钮进入购物车,选择商品完毕,按右下角进入结算中心,这是系统判断你是否登陆,如果登陆则直接进入下一个界面,否则进入登陆界面。-from a dynamic start
- 经过这段时间的大学生活体验,我深切感觉到如下几方面的基本信息十分重要:1 学生的档案管理,这是学生最基本的信息了,一个人没有档案是不可以的,如果有档案但是档案在管理过程中出错更始难以想象的。2 班级管理,这是学生在大学中生活的基本单位了,这当然是必部可少的了。3 课程管理,大学生在大学当然是学习来的,课程的管理有利于更加明确本系统的目的是为学校为学生服务。 4 成绩管理,学生在在校期间能体现出综合素质的最直观的指标莫过于成绩了,这个模块是最不可或缺的。-after a period of col
- classshapemain.zip //: c03:AutoInc.java // Demonstrates the ++ and -- operators. // From Thinking in Java, 3rd ed. (c) Bruce Eckel 2002 // www.BruceEckel.com. See copyright notice in CopyRight.txt. public class AutoInc { public static
- horrorshow.zipic class BitwiseDemo { static final int VISIBLE = 1 static final int DRAGGABLE = 2 static final int SELECTABLE = 4 static final int EDITABLE = 8 public static void main(String[] args) { int flags = 0
- finaloverridingillusion.ziplic class DoWhileDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String copyFromMe = \"Copy this string until you encounter the letter g .\" StringBuffer copyToMe = new StringBuffer() int i = 0 char
- 用它里面的类可以产生类似于JAVA应用中的水纹、火焰以及熔浆效果。小生本人感觉这个代码非常棒(很COOL),不敢独享,特拿出来和大家(同道中人)一起分享! 注:源码中并没有注明版权及作者等信息,大家可以拿来一起研究、研究。 -use it inside the class can produce Java applications similar to the symbol, flame and melts effect. Niche this code, I feel wonderful (v
- jsp建立数据库连接+中文乱码处理类,希望大家参考-jsp database connection+ set up garbled English class, I hope your reference
- 可以实现字体,大小等的选择的对话框,对话框内有各种系统自带的字体可以选择-As the culminating project for last semester’s Java programming class, I demonstrated how to emulate the features found in Windows Notepad in a Java application. Most of the algorithms were routine as the Java API
- Java lexical analyzer for semi pascal language its my first phase of my compiler project there is another class tokens class i used iwill put it after a while , i used stream tokenizer for more information just ask me :)
- 这是本人在课上做的一个实验,主要用来实现简单的计算功能-This is done in class I am an experiment, the main function used to implement a simple calculation
- 我自己写的一个类jms 我自己写的一个类jms-I wrote a class I wrote it myself jms jms I wrote a class a class jms
- java一些语音传输的类,希望有所帮助-Some voice transmission java class, I hope helpful
- java中的类很多,这里总结了在开发过程中常用的类。-a lot of java classes, I came up with the development process commonly used in class.
- Java类查询手册,个人觉得很实用的工具。-A chm file of Java class explanation...I think it is good...
- Java学习课件——8 类库(java共包含12章内容,此为类库方面希望大家互相交流学习)-Java Learning Software- 8 class library (java contains a total of 12 chapters, I hope we can exchange ideas to learn for the class library)
- 向量类的自己编写,是作为上机实习的题目出现。-Vector class I have written is the subject appears as-on practice.
- /* * 题目:如果把明文字母按一定顺序排列成矩阵形式,用另一种顺序选择相应的列输出得到密文,如用“china”为秘钥,对”this is * a book mark“排成矩阵如下: * t h i s i * s a b o o * k m a r k */ -/** Topic: If the plaintext letters arranged in a matrix form according to a certain order, in an
- In order to avoid that, a class can include a special function called constructor, which is automatically called whenever a new object of this class is created. This constructor function must have the same name as the class, and cannot have any retur
- This class i n charge of lexical processing of the XPath expression into tokens. -This class is in charge of lexical processing of the XPath expression into tokens.
- This file contains some javascr ipt to make a simple about class. I ve learned it when i was new student in university