- This book is a collection of code recipes, examples, and informative discourses designed to enable the reader to get started with creating JavaFX application quickly. The book is arranged as a series of loosely related code recipes that a reader can
- 小型超市管理系统。包含 需求分析 数据库设计 系统界面模型 系统源代码 。还录制了一段介绍操作方法的视频。源码条理分明,便于学习理解。-Small supermarket management system. Contains demand analysis the interface model system for database design system source code. Also recorded an introductory video of the operation
- 运用MyIbatis+Spring2.0+struts2+jsp+MySQL5.0 和Javascr ipt、Ajax技术独立开发和迭代,完成CMS系统,包括专题模块、跑马灯编辑、热词推荐、公告管理、快速反馈、视频管理、渠道管理七个模块(其中包括事物配置,验证码实现,拦截器配置,登录,登出,注册模块实现等等),设计CMS与Android前端通讯的接口,设计数据库表结构,设计系统结构,完成编码,测试,上线等一系列过程。在本系统开发中用 PowerDesigner12进行数据库建模,Rational
- JAVA设计模式之容器模式 自己根据视频敲的代码- JAVA design patterns containers mode According to knock his own code of video
- jVoIP is a simple SIP Phone based on NIST Sip Communicator. The phone won t be a fully functional SIP Client: it won t support REGISTER request it will be design for LAN voice communication This phone won t function behind NAT or