- 一个jsp网页布局框架,配合ssh等框架使用可以更加简洁高效的进行开发,A jsp page layout framework, coupled with the use of ssh, such as the framework could be more concise and efficient development
- GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain the complete functionality of JTS in C++. -GEOS (Geometry Engine- Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS). As such,
- 大智慧股票本地数据读取接口 1)调用格式:FxjData2FinData(Market,DataType,FinDataLib) 其中, Market:市场代码,SH为沪市,SZ为深市,BK为板块指数,如果有其它市场数据,可有其它市场代码如HK等. DataType:数据类型,dm,cq,cw0,hq0,hq,等等,含义见下面注释 FinDataLib:目标逻辑库,如果给定的目标逻辑库不存在,则将设为Work 2)如果数据文件已经被分析家等软件占用导致无法打开时,将自动复
- 一个自然语言处理的Java开源工具包。LingPipe目前已有很丰富的功能,包括主题分类(Top Classification)、命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition)、词性标注(Part-of Speech Tagging)、句题检测(Sentence Detection)、查询拼写检查(Query Spell Checking)、兴趣短语检测(Interseting Phrase Detection)、聚类(Clustering)、字符语言建模(Character
- JADE(JAVA Agent开发框架)是一个完全由JAVA语言开发的软件,它简化了多Agent系统的实现。-JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) is a software framework fully implemented in Java language.It simplifies the implementation of multi-agent systems through a middle-ware that claims to com
- BleachBit 删除了不必要的文件(例如缓存器,临时文件和cookies记录)以释放空间和维护隐私。它支持各种应用程序包括Firefox, Flash, Java, and OpenOffice.org. -BleachBit deletes unnecessary files (such as cache, temporary files, and cookies) to free space and maintain privacy. It supports a variety of a
- JacORB是免费的Java对象请求代理系统(CORBA),附带全部源代码,包含大部分CORBA对象服务的实现,以及大量的代码实例。-JacORB is a free Java Object Request Broker system (CORBA), attached to all source code, including most of the realization of CORBA object services, as well as a large number of code
- DataNucleus provides Java data persistence and management platform allowing federation of data as well as JDO, JPA and web services interfaces. It supports heterogeneous datastores (RDBMS, db4o, LDAP, Excel, XML, NeoDatis, JSON, ODF, BigTable, HBase)
- spring-framework-3.0.0.RC3-with-docs spring framework最新的源代码,含有文档,大师之作,研究学习java的好资料-spring-framework-3.0.0.RC3-with-docs spring framework the latest source code, containing the document, as master of research information to learn a good java
- hibernate tools.是一套全新而且完整的面向Hibernate3的工具集合,它包含了Eclipse插件和Ant编译流程。Hibernate Tools是JBoss Tools的核心组件,所以他也是JBoss Developer Studio的一部分。-Hibernate Tools is an entirely new toolset for Hibernate3 (see this page for an overview of the Hibernate 2.x toolset)
- 使用google gwt工具开发的例子,里面有最基本的例程,还有gwt的开发文档说明。-Use google gwt example of tool development, which has the most basic routines, as well as the development of documentation of gwt.
- ,基本掌握了Ext的语法和运行原理,可以作出一些简单的应用。本节我们一起来完成复杂点的对话框操作,因为在实际项目中经常要用到确认对话框等多种操作-, Ext mastered the syntax and operation principles, can make some simple applications. In this section we point a dialog box up and operation of complex, as is usually used in p
- java与ASA6.0数据库连接实例 本功能源于一次项目项目经验,由于ASA6.0数据库在过去很多大型单机版系统中使用,而现在大多使用DB,SQLServer,Oracle等,为了替代原系统,可能与现数据库做数据交换,此代码将实例如何与ASA6.0版本数据库连接,并提供相应的数据库连接包(该连接包网络上已比较少见) 注: 1、jdk1.6版本,请手工导入附带的相关库(jconn3d.jar,jdts3d.jar,ojdbc4.jar) 2、myeclipse 8项目,项目名称Te
- jmesa的开发者跟EXT是同一个人,但是目前还有些功能不及EXT,比如拖拉拽等效果-jmesa developers with the EXT is the same person, but there are some features less than EXT, drag and other effects such as drag
- 最近在一个项目中使用权限控制,由于之前使用的是spring acegi 感觉还不错挺好用但这个版本比较老了,所以就研究了一下最新版本的spring security3.0,目前3.0的网上的相关文档及其至少(官方中的3.0文档资料有很多都是spring security2.*的),遂把自己的这几天研究的成果拿出来与大家分享。 -At a recent project using access control, as previously used spring acegi good fee
- JAVA实现的即时聊天系统。代码完整,模仿QQ。可作为练手的好资料-JAVA implementation of real-time chat system. Code integrity, imitation QQ. As practiced hand of good information
- JFinal 3.1 针对 3.0 版推出的魔板引擎进行了深度打磨,例如魔板 parse 异常提示更加友好明确,消除指令嵌套时多出来的一个换行符,对于模板 isModified() 逻辑进行了重构,消除冗余代码,可读性更好。(JFinal 3.1 for the magic board engine version 3 launched the depth of grinding, such as the parse magic board abnormal more friendly and
- 坦克大战的实现,可以选择坦克,选择地图的游戏,还有道具包(Tank battle, you can choose tanks, choose maps of the game, as well as props package)
SVGDesigner 3.0
- SVG矢量图形编辑系统,SVG严格遵从XML语法,并用文本格式的描述性语言来描述图像内容,因此是一种和图像分辨率无关的矢量图形格式。SVG格式具有以下优点: 图像文件可读,易于修改和编辑与现有技术可以互动融合。另外,SVG文件还可嵌入Javas cript,从而实现基于内容的图像搜索SVG图形格式支持多种滤镜和特殊效果,在不改变图像内容的前提下可以实现位图格式中类似文字阴影的效果 SVG图形格式可以用来动态生成图形。(SVG vector graphics editing system, SVG
- JFinal 是基于 Java 语言的极速 WEB + ORM 开发框架,其核心设计目标是开发迅速、代 码量少、学习简单、功能强大、轻量级、易扩展、Restful。在拥有 Java 语言所有优势的同时 再拥有 ruby、python、php 等动态语言的开发效率!(JFinal is a rapid WEB + ORM development framework based on Java language, whose core design goal is to develop rapi