- 这个可以算是我第一个用Java写的应用程序,界面使用了AWT。功能非常简单,但通过它使我“懂”得了Java。 它的功能是颜色的十进制与十六进制间的转换。-this can be considered as the first one I used to write Java applications, the use of AWT interface. Functional very simple, but I passed it "understood" gaining J
- this is a book about of java.It will step to step tell you how to study java program.
- java实现简单的坐标轴,画出简单的X轴横坐标,Y轴纵坐标轴.,It is completed simple axis in Java.And it is drawed a simple abscissa X axis, Y axis longitudinal axis. 搜索
- 这是我编译好的http-java-applet小程序,可以在linux下运行,方便使用.如在浏览器上看摄像头图象,good small programing .it use for embedded linux ,a http-java-applet
- 100 java实现modbus 从站、主站,This project represents a Modbus implementation in 100 Java. It can be used to implement Modbus masters and slaves in various flavors: Serial: ASCII, RTU (Master only), BIN IP: TCP,UDP The design of this library is
- java源码, 用于检测无线网络中的AP 和clients的仿真。-The simulator iterates continuously through time until MAX_SIMTIME. At each time epoch, it checks all objects to determine whether they have any task to complete. For example, at time t it checks whether a traffi
- 用java语言实现了EM算法在抛硬币实验中的应用-It has implemented the EM algorithm in tossing the coins
- UC浏览器 v7.6 Java通用版,永久免费,手机高速浏览器,速度最快,畅想互联网,赶快下载体验吧! 更新内容: 1、修复部分三星手机在设置浏览器的字体后重启不能打开(Java版本) 2、修复开启wap压缩中转,部分网站登录后出现丢失Cookies的情况(Java&BlackBerry版本) 3、修复部分国产手机打开文件管理出现白屏的情况(Java版本) -UC Browser v7.6 Java Universal, permanently free, mobile h
- Q学习算法实例,这算法主要应用于机器人领域,运用此算法进行行动的选择使Q值最大最后找到最优的策略-Q-learning algorithm is applied in robot domain,example robot-hitting, robot-moving and so on。This paper refers to many robots domain 。It is so useful。
- 学生信息管理系统的Java程序设计学生学籍管理模块主要实现对学生基本信息的设置和维护,提供学生信息的录入和查询页面,并对学生班级更改情况进行维护等,它包括以下几方面的内容:学生基本信息维护和查询、学生增减、批量导入学生信息并自动生成学号。-Student Information Management System Of Java.It can achieve the function that including Update,Delete,Query.Different people ha
- java课程设计,烟花燃放效果,又需要的可以来下载。-java curriculum design, the effect of fireworks going off, but it also needs to download the can.
- You may have heard the Latest Brief web service on CodeProject.com. It provides several methods for web client programs to retrieve information about CodeProject.com, such as the latest article updates, the latest comments, and the latest lounge post
- 用JAVA编写的日,日历。但是未能显示农历日期-Prepared using JAVA, the calendar. But it fails to show the Lunar Date
- 用java语言实现的rtree空间索引技术-it s the java code of rtree
- 本人的毕业设计,JAVA实现数据库转化,我用Java作为编程语言(Java的版本是6.0),JDOM作为XML解析器。数据库是SQL Server 2000,开发工具是NetBeans IDE 5.5 大家在运行程序的时候最好还是使用NetBeans IDE 5.5和Java 6.0,因为我设计的是图形界面,在设计的时候我用到了NetBeans的Swing设计工具Martisse,如果把我的程序放在JBuilder、Eclipse或JCreator中无法运行的(NetBeans是免费下载的)
- jamod is an object oriented implementation of the Modbus protocol, realized 100 in Java. It allows to quickly realize master and slave applications in various transport flavors (IP and serial). -jamod is an object oriented implementation of the Modbu
- This a complete but simple application of Video rental system written in java. It uses GUI and MS-Access database to rent and return a video. Best example for undergraduate students.-This is a complete but simple application of Video rental system
- itat 考证 Java 系列 一些辅导文档材料 如果有兴趣可以看看 或许有些帮助- it s about itat test on java
- 这是JAVA入门的课件,PPt,对刚刚学习JAVA编程的人来说意义非常重要。-this is lesson of java.It is importent for person who begins learn JAvA.
- For learing java. language:Chese(This is a very good book for learning java.It is very helpful to people who are learning java.However,I am so sorry it was writen in Chese.I wish it will be translated into English soon.Above all,I hope it can help y