- 用java编写的局域网聊天系统,基于c/s模式,多个用户登录后可以相互聊天以及传文件、玩游戏,The preparation of local area network using java chat system, based on the c/s model, multiple users can log on and chat with each other Chuan documents, play games
- SWT实例,java开发应用,简单实用,适用于初学者-SWT examples, java development and application of simple and practical, for beginners
- 图书管理系统基于java的ssh框架,很有学习价值-this is so good code
- 新东方李刚老师力作《疯狂JAVA讲义》随书光盘的源代码-New Oriental Gang teacher works " crazy notes JAVA" CD-ROM with the book' s source code
- 这是《数字图像处理Java语言算法描述》书中的源代码,如果打算看此书可以下载该代码直接运行。-This is a " digital image processing algorithms described in Java language," the book' s source code, read this book if you plan to download the code can be run directly.
- java大整数开根号.txt 符合数位要求的大整数开根号,避免了c,c++高精度的麻烦,此题属高精度较难题,具有一定算法-java大整数开根号.txt
- 集合类,第一个JAVA程序,随机生成数据,加入到集合中,输出交集和并集-Collections, the first JAVA procedures, randomly generated data, added to the collection, the output and set intersection and
- Protocol Buffers - Google s data interchange format。我打的jar包,此包不好找-Protocol Buffers- Google s data interchange format. I hit the jar package, this package不好找
- Java的使用指南,相信大家听说过JavaBible,简直就是Java里的圣经。可以当作字典来用。-Java s use of these guidelines, I believe we have heard of JavaBible, just like Java in the Bible. Can be used as a dictionary to use.
- FCKeditor.Java 2.4 源代码 这个开源的HTML文本编辑器可以让Web程序拥有如MS Word这样强大的编辑功能. FCKeditor支持当前流行的浏览器如IE,Firefox,Netscape,Opera等.-FCKeditor.Java 2.4 source code of the open-source HTML text editor can have a Web program such as MS Word so powerful editing fun
- java servlet2.5 源码,对于学习servlet机制的人大为有用.-java servlet2.5 source for studying the mechanism of the National People s Congress servlet useful.
- 用java语言实现的rtree空间索引技术-it s the java code of rtree
- 本人的毕业设计,JAVA实现数据库转化,我用Java作为编程语言(Java的版本是6.0),JDOM作为XML解析器。数据库是SQL Server 2000,开发工具是NetBeans IDE 5.5 大家在运行程序的时候最好还是使用NetBeans IDE 5.5和Java 6.0,因为我设计的是图形界面,在设计的时候我用到了NetBeans的Swing设计工具Martisse,如果把我的程序放在JBuilder、Eclipse或JCreator中无法运行的(NetBeans是免费下载的)
- 运用数据和恢复现场的原理,完成了对银行家算法的演示。-Using the data and restore the principles of the site, completed a demonstration of banker' s algorithm.
- Sha256 Algorithm. The SHA hash functions are a set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and published by the NIST as a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard. SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm
- 在城市智能交通中,经常会用到最短路径的问题,比如找最佳的行车路线等,Dijkstra算法做为最经典的求解方法,为我们指明了方向.不过真正想让我了解该算法的原因是在学习ICTCLAS的N-最短路径算法。-Intelligent Transportation in the city, often used the issue of the shortest path, for example, to find the best travel routes, Dijkstra s algorithm
- JavaTM s growth over the last five years has been nothing short of phenomenal. Given Java s rapid rise to prominence and the general interest in networking, it s a little surprising that network programming in Java is still so mysterious to so ma
Java程序员面试宝典 题集(2016最新)
- java最新面试宝典,帮助开发人员巩固基础、学习常用知识点,跳个好槽~(Java's latest interview book)
- 本书赢得了全球程序员的广泛赞誉,即使是最晦涩的概念,在Bruce Eckel的文字亲和力和小而直接的编程示例面前也会化解于无形。从Java的基础语法到最高级特性(深入的面向对象概念、多线程、自动项目构建、单元测试和调试等),本书都能逐步指导你轻松掌握。(This book has won wide acclaim from programmers all over the world. Even the most obscure concept will be resolved in the f
Think In Java 4(完美高清中文版)
- java经典教程,java入门必读书籍......(java nice book, one who want to study java must read this book, it will lead you join the java's world.)