- SIP协议是一个用于建立,更改和终止多媒体会话的应用层控制协议。它是IETF多媒体数据和控制体系结构的一部分并大量借鉴了成熟的HTTP协议,具有易扩展、易实现等特点,因此非常适合用于实现基于因特网的多媒体会议、IP电话等系统。本系统使用Java实现了一个简单的VOIP电话应用系统。-SIP is a protocol for the establishment, modification and termination of multi-media session control protoco
- Some efforts have been made to integrate SIP-based VoIP with the XMPP specification. ... a public domain implementation of the JAVA Standard for SIP-Some efforts have been made to integrate SIP-based VoIP with the XMPP specification. ... a public do
- SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client but has been significantly changed for Andriod.
- 基于 sip 协议 进行 voip 分机客户端开发,分步为 注册 ,构建会话,结束会话等功能(Based on the SIP protocol, the VoIP extension client is developed step by step to register, build session, end the session and other functions)