- JavatV Program source code Need to play windows Media files and streams, mpeg4 video or DVDs in java? Access WDM capture devices? Control a firewire DVCam? then maybe this can help you. dsj is an ongoing project to provide a java wrapper around
- At first you should be sure that your JDK1.4 is valid and all needed classes are in CLASSPAtH. If you don t know how to set CLASSPAtH, later a section will tell you. After unziped calendar.zip, there is a directory named fancy. Please
- 安装JDK 从java.sun.com/">http://java.sun.com/下载jdk-1_5_0_04-windows-i586-p.exe 安装到指定路径,我选择D:jdk1.5.0 配置环境变量: JAVA_HOME: D:jdk1.5.0 PAtH: D:jdk1.5.0 in CLASSPAtH: . D:jdk1.5.0lib ools.jar D:jdk1.5.0jrelib t.jar -Install JDK from
- JavatM s growth over the last five years has been nothing short of phenomenal. Given Java s rapid rise to prominence and the general interest in networking, it s a little surprising that network programming in Java is still so mysterious to so ma
- 功能比较齐全的计算器,是模拟windows自带计算器作为模仿的对象进行模拟。-Sorry,i don t know English!But you can use it easily!
windows SSO with JBoss Seam
- Unified authentication has been one of the frequently asked functionality for quite some time now. Users have to remember username/password for various systems or having to login for each system while all those systems are part of the same intranet a
- DJ Java Decompiler is a handy and reliable application designed to allow you to decompile java CLASS files and save them in text or in other format DJ Java Decompiler is able to decompile complex Java applets and binaries, producing
- then you can input the command, which includes 3 types: x,y,B Mark the coordinate position (x,y) as a mine, which will be displayed in '@'.It can be cancelled by the input of x,y,N . Everytime you mark a mine, the total number of mines will be subtra