- 介绍: 读写INI文件的四个函数 如何取得计算机名 计算Windows从启动后所运行的总时间 使窗体右上角的X按钮失效删除系统菜单 动态改变及恢复屏幕设置下 制作垂直标题栏的窗体下 用API函数控制光驱的开关 等。-presentations : INI file read and write function of how four computer from the Windows were calculated after commencement of t
Code Reading
- 代码阅读有自身的一套技能,重要的是能够确定什么时候使用哪项技术。本书中,作者使用600多个现实的例子,向读者展示如何区分好的(和坏的)代码,如何阅读,应该注意什么,以及如何使用这些知识改进自己的代码。养成阅读高品质代码的习惯,可以提高编写代码的能力。-code readers have their own set of skills, it is important to determine when to use which technology. The book, the authors
- 中文版的如何写GNU Makefile,这个文档写的很好,虽然有个别的错别字,看完了这个,相信写个几千行C程序的Makefile应该没问题了.-Chinese version of the GNU how to write a Makefile, the documentation is very well written and Although some of typos, read this. believe that thousands of firms write C Makefile
- S29NS-J 128 Megabit (8 M x 16-Bit), 64 Megabit (4 M x 16-Bit), 32 Megabit (2 M x 16-Bit), and 16 Megabit (1 M x 16 Bit), 110 nm CMOS 1.8-Volt only Simultaneous Read/Write, Burst Mode Flash Memories Data Sheet
- 张国峰写的c++程序设计教程很好的一本书; pdg格式,超星阅读软件必须注册或破解才可阅读-write c Programming Guide a good book; PDG format, Superstar reading software to be registered before they can read or crack
- TrueZIP is a framework for virtual file systems and a library for accessing archive files as if they were just plain old directories. As a framework, TrueZIP provides the interfaces and classes to write file system drivers which plug-in to its federa
- SoundTouch音频处理库的使用异常简单,经过简单的编译之后,设置编译环境,以vc为例 ,直接在include包含SoundTouch目录下的include路径,接着在lib添加SoundTouch目录下 的lib路径,然后在代码的头文件中添加头文件以及引用的库。如下:根据_DEBUG这个宏, 我们可以进行一些编译预处理,假如是以DEBUG编译就采用debug库,其他的话就采用 release库。他们的区别就是文件名后面是否多了一个“D”。 里接收处理过的音