- 其中本次课设利用S51芯片中的定时计数器T0输出相应的方波来产生不同的音阶,制作一个简易电子琴,同时实现音乐播放功能。-which this course set up using the S51 chip Arithmometer T0 square wave output corresponding to the different sound bands, a simple flower production, while achieving functional music player
- 这个是常用声音的文件,有几十种常见声音的WAV格式,在语音识别及播放领域的可以-This is a common sound file, there are dozens of kinds of sound WAV format and play in the field of speech recognition can see
- 电子音乐盒:利用I/0口产生一定频率的方波驱动蜂鸣器,发出不同音调,从而演奏乐曲 采用LCD显示信息,开机时有英文欢迎提示字符,播放时显示歌曲序号及播放时间。 可通过功能键选择乐曲、暂停、播放。-Electronic music box: the use of I/0 ports to produce a certain frequency square wave drive buzzer, emit different tones, which play music using the
- wave音频文件格式详解,对做无损音频播放器的开发者有帮助。-wave audio file format explain, to do lossless audio player developers help.
- Gold wave音频处理软件处理音频文件。C编程读取音频文件成数值型,以备音频播放。-Gold wave audio processing software audio files. C program to read the audio files into numeric, to prepare for audio playback.