OPF control of dc grid
- 针对直流电网中的最优潮流问题,提出了一种基于模糊控制理论的自适应粒子群算法,以实现电网兼顾有功网损和电压质量的优化运行。(To solve optimal power flow problem in DC grid, an adaptive particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm based on fuzzy control theory is proposed in this paper, and optimal operation consi
multi-objective power flow optimization
- 构建了含VSC-HVDC的交直流系统多目标最优潮流模型;针对此模型连续变量和离散变量共存的特点,提出了内点法和NSGA2算法相结合的交替求解算法,可获得多个Pareto最优解,并具有较高的计算效率(Considering the coexistence of continuous and discrete variables in this model,an alternative solution method based on the interior point method and NS