- 关于神经网络原理以及设计公认的最好的书籍-The principle of neural network and MATLAB design is recognized as one of the best books
- 人工神经网络的导论,入门级书籍,主要偏重基础的算法-Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, entry-level books, the main emphasis based algorithms
- 深度学习书籍,作者是GAN 网络的创始人,值得一看。将深度学习,神经网络和机器学习讲解的很清楚,不仅仅如此,把深度学习的理论知识讲解的饿很透彻。-Deep learning books, the author is the founder of the GAN network, worth a visit. The depth of learning, neural networks and machine learning to explain very clearly, not only t