- Analytically Derived Uplink/Downlink TOA and 2-D-DOA Distributions With Scatterers in a 3-D Hemispheroid Surrounding the Mobile.
- 对2维doa进行估计,在不同的快拍数情况下,BPSK信号的经典MUSIC估计比单频信号的经典MUSIC估计方法均方根误差性能更好-On 2 d to estimate doa. In different fast take several cases, BPSK signal of classical MUSIC estimate than single frequency signal of the classical MUSIC estimation method root mean squ
- In this paper, we firstly construct a wide-band undersampling array, then present a novel frequency and direction of arrival (DOA) estimation method for a very wide frequency band (2-18GHz). Choosing a set of appropriate sampling frequencies and
- The demand in communication capacity is achieved by the employment of the space division multiple access technique. The signal transmitted on the same frequencies can be separated by the smart antenna array and they are separated in spatial domain. W
- 利用时空欠采样技术,在互质阵列中多个sensor上放置两路ADC采样,结合中国余数定理与频谱校正技术,实现频率与波达方向的联合估计。发表在IEEE TSP上2区,很新,很有创新性。