- a real-time 3d pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module
- real-time 3d pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module an
- 在优化粒子滤波跟踪框架下, 设计并实现了一个结合多种图像特征、在多摄像机环境下跟踪人体运动的三 维人体运动跟踪系统1 通过定义三维人体模型、摄像机模型以及观测似然模型, 得到跟踪所需目标函数, 并使用优化 粒子滤波算法进行求解1 实验结果表明, 该系统能够对人体运动进行准确的跟踪和三维重建, 可应用于体育运动分 析和动画制作等领域1-A v ideo-based 3d human body motion t racking system is developed under the
- 基于多幅图像序列的三维重建技术,以两幅图像的三维重建算法为基础,采用由运动 中恢复校准的结构方法,在已知摄像机参数的情况下,利用KLT特征点跟踪算法,实现了多 幅图像的三维重建,并利用集束调整优化了重建结果.-We presented a three dimensional reconstmction method based on image sequence of multiple images. Under the condition of the known camem pa