- On the design of an FPGA-Based ofdm modulator for IEEE 802.11a-On the design of an FPGA-Based ofdm modulat or for IEEE 802.11a
- in this document basic frame details and data rate specification about 802.11a is given.ofdm based wireless lan system uses this.-in this document basic frame details and data rate specification about 802.11a is given.ofdm based wireless lan system
- Multicarrier modulation helps to reduce the detrimental effects of multipath fading. Because of its robustness to multipath, and the ease of implementating it in transmitters and receivers using the fast Fourier transform (FFT), the MCM concept i
- 基于欧盟DVB协议编写的ofdm的matlab仿真平台~不同于以往的802.11a,有研究基于DVB协议的朋友可以下载-Based on the European Union DVB agreement of ofdm matlab write simulation platform to differ from past 802.11 a, a study, based on the DVB agreement friend can download
- MIMO-ofdm is a key technology for next-generation cellular communications (3GPP-LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT-Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB-ofdm), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). This book provides a
- 频率同步是宽带ofdm系统中的关键技术,IEEE 802.11a 采用ofdm技术,利用其前导序列的重复结构,提出了一种分步的粗细频偏捕获与校正算法,同时为了补偿时域同步后的残余相差和适应信道的时变特性,还提出了一种基于频域导频的相位跟踪方案-Frequency synchronization is a key technology in the broadband ofdm systems, IEEE 802.11a uses ofdm technology, the use of the r
- 中文摘要 正交频分复用( ofdm , Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)是当前一种非常热门的通信技术。它即可以被看作是一种 调制技术,也可以被看作是一种复用技术。由于它具有抗多径衰落和频谱 利用率高的特点,因此被广泛应用于高速数字通信领域,比如应用于IEEE 802.11a无线局域网(WLAN)的物理层等等。 我的毕业设计的核心任务是:采用 FPGA 来实现一个基于ofdm 技术 的通信系统中的基带数据处
- This thesis presents the design of an ofdm transmitter for software deˉned radio. The transmitter is implemented on an FPGA as part of a PC based software radio platform. To demonstrate the programmability of the FPGA design, IEEE 802.11a and s
- Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (ofdm) has been adopted by most wireless and wired communication standards these include wireless Local Area Networks (LANs) HyperLan2, 802.11a, broadband wireless(802.16) and lately the 802.15.3c for mill
- 在 ofdm 数学原理和收发模型的基础上,本文对帧同步、定时同步、频率同 步和采样同步给 ofdm 系统所产生的影响进行了理论分析,同时讨论了基于循环 前缀或训练符号的典型 ofdm 同步算法。参考 802.11a 突发数据帧结构和系统参 数,分析几种 ofdm 同步算法用于突发分组传输的性能;在分析了几种经典的信 道估计算法基础上,通过对复杂度和性能的折衷,选择一种适合本文系统的估计 算法。最后作者提出一种改进型 LS 信道估计算法,该算法考虑了 LS 算法中噪声 的影
- MIMO-ofdm is a key technology for next-generation cellular communications (3GPP-LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT-Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB-ofdm), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). This book provides a
- 802.11a基于ofdm系统MATLAB仿真实验报告 包含MIMO-ofdm的系统仿真程序-802.11a simulation experiment report based on ofdm system MATLAB