- Borland C++Builder与MATLAB混合编程之COM实现方法-Borland C Builder and MATLAB's programming mixed COM method
- 以Matlab与C语言、Visual Basic、Excel为核心语言,配有大量的代码实例,系统地介绍了常用的代码优化方法和功能扩展程序-In Matlab and C language, Visual Basic, Excel as the core language,配有大量code example, the system commonly used to introduce a code optimization method and function of the expansion p
- 提出了在MATLAB 与VC++实现组合编程的四种方法, 即利用MATLAB 引擎、调用MATLAB 的数学库、将MATLAB 程 序编译成mex 文件和C 或C++文件技术,并阐述了将四种编程环境的功能优势与应用系统无缝集成的方式。这种混合编程 实现了VC++的面向对象程序设计与MATLAB 强大的数值计算能力的结合。-This paper introduces the techniques of the technology of the MATLAB/VC++ co- progra
- Visual C^++调用MATLAB的方法及其应用-Visual C ^++ method of calling MATLAB and its application
- In this project ,we propose a color based segmentation method that uses the c means clustering technique to track tumor objects in magnetic resonance (MR) brain images. The key concept in this color based segmentation algorithm with k means means to
- 本文着重描述了运用MATLAB命令将M文件翻译为C语言程序,并修改为可直接调用的C语言函数的方法,-This paper describes the use of MATLAB command M-file translation for the C language program, and modify the method can directly call C language functions
- 本文所做的主要工作为:研究了JPEG2000标准的原理和基本框架,对JPEG 2000标准的核心—小波变换压缩技术进行了分析研究,概要的介绍了小波理论。对EZW算法进行了详细分析和描述,包括零树的含义、结构及其扫描方法。并应用Matlab图像处理工具箱和小波分析工具箱对图像小波变换处理,并通过接口工具Mex实现在Matlab环境下对C程序EZW编码的调用,实现了应用零树小波编码算法对图像的压缩处理,简单地实现了对JPEG 2000的仿真。-The main work that this text
- MatLab具有强大的科学计算能力,而C++ Builder具有很强的图形用户界面开发和数据库管理功能,两者的互补结合可以快速和高效地开发涉及科学计算的可视化仿真软件.介绍在Windows环境下常用的C++ Builder和MatLab混合编程的方法,并对两者在可视化仿真软件开发中的综合应用进行了讨论. -MatLab has a powerful scientific computing capabilities, and C++ Builder has a strong graphical
- ,从Matlab调用C/C++代码及C/C++调用m文件两方面,深入地研究了它们之间混合编程的原理和实现机制,并且给出了具体条件下的混合编程方法和步骤。实例表明,提出的Matlab与C/C++混合编程方法是简洁、有效的。 更多还原 -Two aspects, called from Matlab the C/C++ code, C/C++ call m files, in-depth study of the principles and implementation mechanisms
- 在c语言中,调用与matlab有关的语音处理或者图形处理信息,在编译过程中的调用方法-C language, voice calls and matlab processing or related graphics processing information during compilation method call
- 基于 Matlab 和 Visual C++ 的惯导误差仿真方法研究 -Based on Matlab and Visual C++ INS Error Simulation Method
- 这是一篇关于将matlab程序转换到c++中调试运行的方法,适用于不同编程环境的要求-This is a matlab program about the transition to c++ debug run the method, suitable for the requirements of different programming environments
- ip-iq法检测中的C运算模块在MATLAB的仿真-ip-iq method to detect the C operator in the MATLAB simulation module
- Matlab与C/C++混合编程方法,Matlab调用C/C++代码及C/C++调用-Matlab and C/C++ mixed programming method, Matlab call C/C++ code and a C/C++ call
精通Matlab与C C++ 混合程序设计 第2版
- 改文档详细介绍MATLAB与C++混合编程的方法,环境设置,内容简洁详细,是入手新生非常有用的资料(Change the document in detail MATLAB and C++ mixed programming method, environment settings, concise and detailed content, is a very useful information to start new students)