- wireless sensor networks无线传感器 多簇头轮换相关论文下载-Wireless sensor and multi-cluster head rotation-related papers
- Abstract—LEACH is a hierarchy routing protocol for WSN (wireless sensor networks), which is superior to direct communication protocol, minimum-transmission-energy protocol and static clustering protocol. owever, LEACH itself has some defects. In this
- One of the most critical issues in the wireless sensor networks is the network s nodes limited availability of energy. The network lifetime strictly depends on its energy efficiency. Clustering is a method to make the consumed energy efficient. LEA
- The proposed routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Network is hierarchical and cluster based. The protocol supports mobility in the Sensor Nodes as well as in the Sink. The entire protocol is described in terms of two phases namely Setup Phase and D
- This paper studies LEACH protocol, and puts forward energy-LEACH and multihop-LEACH protocols. Energy-LEACH protocol improves the choice method of the cluster head, makes some nodes which have more residual energy as cluster heads in next r
- This paper studies LEACH protocol, and puts forward energy-LEACH and multihop-LEACH protocols. Energy-LEACH protocol improves the choice method of the cluster head, makes some nodes which have more residual energy as cluster heads in next r
- Cluster Head Selection in WSN based on Coverage preserving and Energy Eciency Cluster-heads are generally chosen either in a random manner or mainly based on nodes residual energy. Accordingly, there is no guarantee that network coverage is
- fault management. how clustering is done. how cluster head is selected.
- Fault management. cluster head selection and cluster formation
- The cluster head is selected by the random number generated by nodes in the hierarchical routing protocol which is implementing Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). As a result, the cluster head may be chosen randomly and be
- In wireless sensor networks, the power resource of each sensor node is limited. Minimizing energy dissipation and maximizing network lifetime are important issues in the design of routing protocols for sensor networks. In this paper, Cluster
- In our work we extend the LEACH s cluster head selection algorithm in WSN based on different node characteristics like, density, centrality and energy. This paper focuses on increasing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks.
- in this file, modified leach is there. Inwhich cluster head not directly send data to base station. instead of it, it send data to nearer node of cluster which is also nearer to base station. so it save clster head energy and this way extend the life
- LEACH [1] is an autonomous adaptive clustering protocol that distributes the energy load evenly among the sensors in the network using randomization. The nodes organize themselves into local clusters, with one node acting as the local base stat
- comparison betweeen leach and fuzzy protocol in terms of cluster head selection in matlab.
- I am doing research in wireless sensor network in data aggregation. here cluster head send packet to base station .by using k means cluster algorthim A network is divided into k layer. k cluster are formed in k layer . each cluster has one cluster he
- In this paper, we propose a learning automatabased weighted cluster formation algorithm calledMCFA in which the mobility parameters of the hosts are assumed to be random variables with unknown distributions. In the proposed clustering algorit
- Our scheme eliminates the delay caused by cluster head election and enables nodes to start communication immediately after joining a cluster. Through simulation and analysis, our protocol is shown to possess good scalability, incur lower control
- project twice cluster head selection