- Ajey, S., B. Srivalli, et al. (2010). On performance of MIMO-OFDM based LTE systems. Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing, 2010. ICWCSC 2010. International Conference on. 4G wireless systems predominately employ multiple input multiple outp
- 视频会议系统说明文档,利用此说明文档部署和设计、开发视频会议系统-Video conference system documentation, deployment and use of this documentation, design, development, video conferencing systems
- 软件工程会议管理系统框架。具备注册用户,添加,查询,删除,清除会议等功能。命令行窗口实现-Software engineering conference management system framework. Have a registered user to add, query, delete, clear conferencing capabilities. Command-line window to achieve
- Presented in 2009 GIS-Transportation conference in Oklahoma City. About online safety analysis system
- 《Real-time Digital Simulation of Control System with LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit》 Xiang Xuejun Xia Ping Yang Sheng Liu Ping Control Conference, 2007. CCC 2007. Chinese July 26 2007-June 31 2007 Page(s):318 - 322 Digital Object Iden
- 2005年trec会议中 关于问答系统的论文-2005 trec conference papers on the question answering system
- 回声抵消芯片,用于车载免提系统设计,会议电话,免提电话等-Echo cancellation chip for in-vehicle hands-free system design, conference calls, hands-free phone
- java--Academic Conference Management System
- Abstract—In this paper we present a novel web-based system for conference management that uses open source software. The developed Chairman system provides functionality for online paper submission, peer review, decision making process, s
- 高集成度与优化特性不仅能以仅为前代应用系统十分之一的成本实现同等的高性能,同时还确保了所需的高灵活性,以满足多会议单元(MCU)与视频安全监控等应用-High level of integration and optimization features not only the previous generation of only one-tenth of the cost of application system to achieve the same performance, while
- Alim, O. A., N. Elboghdadly, et al. (2007). Channel estimation and equalization for fixed/mobile OFDM WiMAX system in simulink. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications. Innsbr
- 视频会议管理系统,在VC开发环境下,结合数据库进行程序的编写,实现视频会议的管理-Video conference management system developed in the VC environment, combined with the preparation of a database program to achieve the management of video conferencing
- 软件工程实训时写的会议管理系统。具备注册用户,添加,查询,删除,清除会议等功能。命令行窗口实现。-When writing software engineering conference training management system. Have a registered user to add, query, delete, clear conferencing. Command-line window to achieve.
- 基于P2P技术的网络视频会议系统研究,适用于多人视频会议。-Network video conference system based on P2P technology, suitable for multiplayer video conferencing.
- The International System or SI In 1960, the Eleventh General Conference on Weights and Measures defined the seven base units of the International System of Units (SI) based on the metric system (decimal). The legal units of measurement in France
- 在整个系统方案的设计中突出整体性,为了保证本系统在实际运用中的安全和有效管理工作中更好地发挥作用,必须从整体上考虑系统技术手段的选择和前端设备的分布-In the design of the whole system scheme emphasize integrity, to ensure the safe and effective management of this system in practical application work better in the work, must
- 基于Java技术的一个办公信息管理系统,包括用户身份验证模块、职工信息管理模块、个人通讯录模块、日程安排模块、工作日志模块、短消息管理模块、公告管理模块、会议管理模块、文件管理模块等-An office information management system based on Java technology, including user authentication module, employee information management module, personal addre
- Conference paper already published
- 协同办公会议管理软件设计说明书:1、个人办公;2、会议管理 个人办公:普通职员登陆到系统后,通过点击个人办公连接,进入个人办公页面。之后可以选择个人信息、日程安排、名片夹、公司通讯录、待办事项、在线信息、个人文件夹进行办公。-Collaborative office meeting management software design specification: 1, personal office 2, conference management Personal office:
AWS中的Oracle RAC 启用FlashGrid
- FlashGrid公司于本月月初在一次硅谷IT新闻发布会上进行了自我介绍。其采用甲骨文ASM以实现高可用性与数据镜像生成--顺带一提,ASM也就是自动存储管理(Automatic Storage Management)的简称。这款内置于数据库方案中的甲骨文软件能够管理文件系统与存储分卷。本文档是FlashGrid的ASM的安装文档(FlashGrid company conducted a self introduction in this month at the beginning of t