- 从多普勒载波频偏对CDMA接收 信号的影响入手,提出了分段匹配滤波器和循环累加码捕获环路相结合的方法进 行扩频码的捕获,并对该方法的性能进行了分析和仿真。 -Doppler frequency offset from the carrier signal on the CDMA receiver to start the impact of proposed sub-cycle accumulation matched filter code acquisition loop and
- :针对正交编码信号已有设计方法计算复杂、编码长度和数量受限等问题,该文利用混沌序列类随机、初值 敏感, 易产生和易使用的特点, 提出应用混沌序列设计随机离散频率编码信号。 在给出编码信号设计方案的基础上, 详细推导此类信号的模糊函数,分析了其距离、多普勒分辨能力,讨论了信号的准正交特性,并比较了不同混沌序 列对信号性能的影响。 理论分析和仿真实验表明, 结合混沌序列的频率编码信号具有优良的模糊函数、 准正交性能, 且信号产生容易,编码长度和数量可以任意设置,可以作为一类有潜力的雷
- 该文采用数字科斯塔斯环并结合数字匹配滤波辅助捕获的方法对T DRSS 中的大多普勒频移进行捕获和消除, 解决了大多普勒情况下载波恢复的难题, 为工程实践提供了一种新思路。-In this paper, using a digital Costas loop in combination with the digital matched filtering auxiliary capture the T-DRSS large Doppler frequency shift to capture a
- 基于平移不变小波变换的多普勒速度声纳输出信号处理.针对水下航行器组合导航系统所使用的多普勒速度声纳输出信号的特点,采用了平移不变小波变换的多分辨率分析的方法,利用Daubechies小波函数,采用了半软阈值去噪的方法,能够在低信噪比的情况下准确地估计多普勒声纳的频移,从含有噪声的多普勒输出信号中提取出原始信号.通过仿真实验表明:采用4层小波分解,算法计算量减小,有效地消除多普勒噪声,从而提高水下组合导航系统的精度. -Doppler speed the sonar output signal p
- 在Microsoft Visual C++软件环境下,用C++ 语言实现整个仿真。将整个产生系统分为C/A码产生,信号产生,量化三个模块,经过编写和调制实现产生的基本功能,即输入导航电文及控制数据,例如 选取卫星信号,多 普勒频移,采样周期。最后可以得到加入服从高斯分布的噪声信号的数字离散中频信号。 -We use the C++ language to archive the simulation in the Microsoft Visual C++ circumstance
- 很好的GPS/INS超紧组合导航的文章,关键词:GPS,INS,超紧组合导航,抗干扰-The performance of an Ultra-Tightly Coupled (UTC) Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System (GPS/INS) is evaluated using a system simulation of the GPS receiver and navigation processing.
- 连续导频正弦波通过存在Doppler频移的快衰落信道复模型(基带等效模型)的构造-Continuous pilot frequency sine wave by the presence of Doppler shift fast fading channel model (complex baseband equivalent model) structure
- 对于城市环境中的高精度单频 GNSS 接收机而言,若考虑误差预报处理已抵消电离层误差,则地面传播环境所导致的多径效应将成为系统误差的主要因素。基于现有蜂窝通信的高分辨率信道估计结果,针对电波传播的幅度、相位、多普勒等特征提取信道响应函数,在极小误差范围内提供至 L 波段信号的线性特征映射-For multipath effects in urban environments with high accuracy single-frequency GNSS receiver, the foreca
- 这里有几篇有关doppler frequency offset估计问题的相关文献,主要采用的是信道响应法,自相关法,循环前缀法来估计多普勒频移的。- Here are a few questions about the doppler frequency offset estimate of the relevant literature, is mainly used in the channel response, self-correlation method, cyclic pref
- Considered a 16QAM communication system. The information rate is 2 Mb/s and the carrier frequency is 12 GHz. Assumed perfect synchronization. a) Simulated the system if the channel is AWGN and draw bit error rate of the system versus Eb/No. Com
- Application of spread spectrum for satellite land mobile systems is difficult in satellite link because of synchronization and providing code or considerable Doppler shift. This is particularly high for LEO satellites. So that, a Doppler shift carr
- A Maximum Likelihood Doppler Frequency
- Doppler frequency offsets estimation and diversity reception scheme of high speed railway with multiple antennas on separated carriages
- Multiple Doppler frequency offsets compensation technique for high-mobility OFDM uplink
- This program computes the Gaussian power spectral density according to given input values of maximum Doppler frequency f_max and variance sigma_0^2. The equation of the Jakes power spectral density is given in (3.26) [2]. A plot of the Gauss
- 多普勒功率谱在多普勒频域估计方法起到关键性作用。结合实际铁路场景,分析了各个场景信道特征和场景对应的多普勒功率谱。 -Doppler power spectrum in doppler frequency domain estimation methods play a key role.In this paper, the actual railway scenes, each channel characteristics and scene corresponding doppler
- 提出了改进的结合相位差变化率和多普勒频率变化率的单站无源定位算法。该算法克服了相位差变化率法中对目标运动状态和运动高度的限制及多普勒频率变化率法中波达角变化率信息获得困难,对算法实用性的限制,将两种算法的优点有机结合起来,降低了系统对定位系统前端接收机的设计难度,从而为该算法的硬件实现打下了良好的基础,最后使用迭代扩展卡尔曼滤波算法0Er,.v)对定位结果进行了处理,提高了估计的精度。(An improved single station without phase difference rat
- 适用于移动通信中的多普勒频偏估计,有很大用处(It is very useful for Doppler frequency offset estimation in mobile communication.)
- 一篇关于多普勒频偏估计的论文,解压后为caj格式(A paper on Doppler's frequency offset estimation, which is decompressed to CAJ format)
- 高动态下的多普勒频偏估计论文,适用于高速运动情况下(A high dynamic Doppler frequency offset estimation paper is suitable for high speed motion)