- U.ARE.U指纹采集仪日常维护方法及注意事项 1、指纹采集仪表面,应时常保持干净。 2、不可用金属或者指甲等坚硬的器件,在镜片上划伤。 3、当镜片上不慎有水滴或者油着渍时,不能用毛巾或纸巾檫拭。应该用纸巾轻压在镜片上稍微停留,等水分吸干后取走,再用透明胶带粘掉镜片上的赃物。-Of U.ARE.U routine maintenance methods and precautions fingerprint scanner, fingerprint collection ins
- As the core module of UCBioBSP SDK, it is considered to be the main module that can achieve all functions related to fingerprint authentication. This module must be included in the development process using UCBioBSP SDK. APIs that can be used i