- 此为便携式LCD数字投影机音频和LED驱动. LCD驱动部份的电路很简单,就一颗芯片,不 需外加缓存,可支持到1600*1200 60Hz 带 Video和S-Video端口.48PIN或64PIN LQFP封 装,台弯产的.-This is driven for portable LCD digital projector audio frequency and LED. It is very simple that LCD drives some circuit, a
- CVBS TO VGA 原理图.是个完整的方案,其余的程序,说明文档也会陆续发上来.-CVBS TO VGA schematic. Is a complete program, the rest of the procedures, documentation will all be made up.
- WinCE的LCD驱动编写指南 LCD转VGA输出视频卡基于WINCE4.2的驱动编程-WinCE guidelines for the preparation of the LCD driver LCD switch to VGA output video card is based on WINCE4.2 driven programming
- 1 Introduction The AML7228 A/V processor is a complete integrated system targeting all types of Audio/Video decoder applications that provide connectivity to hard disk, digital camera, memory cards and other external digital consumer devices
- 此应用是为了使个人计算机的影音数据能很容易的透过WiFi 802.11 5G标准来传递具1080p的影音数据,同时利用泰发科技TF680的Full HD TV接收盒的解决方案提供一HDMI接口的影音信号给大尺寸的LCD TV,用以同步显示个人计算机端的影音数据. 如图(一)。 图(一) :泰发科技TF-680 Wireless to 1080P Display解决方法 而TF-680 TV 接收端BOX之内部架构图如图(二),主要是利用一WiFi Module将影音数据收集
- 大名鼎鼎的GN:genesis的相关开发资料做液晶电视,和OSD字符叠加加和高级视频控制的朋友可以来看看,这些资料可是要和GN签订保密协议才会给的! -Famous GN: genesis of the relevant information to do the development of LCD TV, and the OSD characteers and advanced video overlay controls to see if a friend can come, but
- The CAT6612 is a high-performance and low-cost single channel HDMI transmitter, fully compliant with HDMI 1.2, HDCP 1.1 and backward compatible to DVI 1.0 specifications. The CAT6612 serves to provide the most cost-effective HDMI solution for DTV-rea
- DECT是ETSI颁布的一种近距离无线通信协议,工作频率在1.8G-1.9GHz,典型距离为室内50米,室外300米。 本系统有以下主要功能: 1)传输视频:访客按门铃时,主人可以很方便地通过无绳子机的彩屏LCD看到访客图像,子机发出叮咚提示铃声,主人可通过子机按键选择开锁。LCD为1.8\ 65K色彩屏。 2)系统本身可作为彩屏无绳电话使用,有中文显示及输入法,来电显示等功能 3)可无绳通过子机与楼宇管理中心通话 适合居民单元楼,机关楼,别墅等场景使用 -DECT ET
- 友达6.5寸工业液晶屏详细资料,在6A系统音视频显示终端的应用-AUO 6.5-inch LCD screen details in the 6A system audio and video display terminal application
- A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display, electronic visual display, or video display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals.
- MST726A/MST726A-A Small Size LCD TV Processor with Video Decoder Preliminary Data Sheet Version 0.1-MST726A/MST726A-A Small Size LCD TV Processor with Video Decoder Preliminary Data Sheet Version 0.1
- The MST717 is a highquality ASIC for NTSC / P AL car TV application. It receives analog NTSC / P AL CVBS and S-V ideo inputs from TV tuners, DVD or VCR sources, including weak and distorted signals, as well as analog RGB input from GPS systems.
- TW8823 可以4路摄像头输入,画中画。倒车轨迹,显示原车界面与导航界面切换,可以AUX输入,加装行车记录仪,2路VGA视频输入-The TW8823 incorporates many of the features required to create multi-purpose in-car LCD display system in a single package. It integrates a high quality 3D comb NTSC/PAL/SECAM video d
- 智能点餐系统是一款融合传统菜谱与无线点菜信息化于一体的电子点菜系统,是针对餐饮行业推出的一款革命性的电子点餐产品。智能点餐系统通过高清液晶屏幕为顾客展示菜品,可代替传统菜单和低端“点菜宝”产品,提供更多更强的服务。其中图片、文字、音视频等方式可以全面地展现菜系特点,是实现智能化餐饮的前提和基础。随着科技的发展各行各业都在发生着翻天覆地的变化,餐饮行业同样如此,细心的朋友可能会发现,现在许多饭店、酒店在点菜的时候都已经不再是像过去那样拿着笔在纸上记了,而是拿着一个类似手机的东西点来点去。-Inte