- asm源码 汇编引导程序 源程序 汇编初见面 名称 解释 格式 a (Assemble) 逐行汇编 a [address] c (Compare) 比较两内存块 c range address d (Dump) 内存16进制显示 d [address]或 d [range] e (Enter) 修改内存字节 e address [list] f (fin) 预置一段内存 f range list g (Go) 执行程序 g [=addres
- Higa, M.L. Tawy, D.M. Lord, S.M. Frontiers in Education, 2002. FIE 2002. 32nd Annual Volume 1, 6-9 Nov. 2002 Page(s):T1D-13 - T1D-16 vol.1 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/FIE.2002.1157905 -An introduction to LabVIEW exercise for an electron
- Gold code sequence generator Run from editor Debug (F5) JC 4/25/09 Gold code generation can sometimes be confusing and hopefully this m-file will be helpful. The m-file uses two preferred pairs of m-sequences (length 2^n-1) chips long