- it just to check a math problem
- The DSPLIB is a collection of 39 high-level optimized DSP functions for the TMS320C64x device. This source code library includes C-callable functions (ANSI-C language compatible) for general signal processing math and vector functions.
- The DSPLIB is a collection of 39 high-level optimized DSP functions for the TMS320C64x device. This source code library includes C-callable functions (ANSI-C language compatible) for general signal processing math and vector functions.
- 中文的基于matlab得直升机模拟,做的还行,就是有点假,实现没有只有他自己知道。-A helicopter flight control system simulation software package was introduced, which was developed on MATLAB 6.5. Several unit math models and system simulation were introduced. The software has made good e
- 哈代是20世纪最优秀的数学思想家,同仁公认他是“真正的数学家是纯粹中最纯粹的”。这篇“自白”是他数学创造力衰退时写下的心酸文字。 在哈代的笔下,数学远远不仅是一门科学,还是艺术,是娱乐,是真善美。 本书刚出版,就被誉为堪与亨利·詹姆斯的笔记媲美的对“创造性艺术家的最佳描述”。 C·P·斯诺的长篇前言满含深情地回顾了哈代的一生,栩栩如生地讲述了他的学术生活和有趣的业余爱好。-Hardy in the 20th century' s best mathematical
- 在软件测试中常用的数学方法,将要用的数学知识综合了一下-In the software testing methods commonly used in math, the math knowledge to use a combination of some
- The vehicle distribution problem has been a NP problem for a long time it can not reach a most optimized state. Because of the multi- factors that should be considered about the vehicle distribution problem such as the carrying capacity, sources an
- 本PDF文档为Fortran的IMSL数值计算库的使用手册,里面介绍了各种subroutine的参数的含义,以及给出了大量的算例。数值计算库非常全。-This PDF document of the IMSL for Fortran Numerical Library User' s Guide, which describes the meaning of the parameters of the various subroutine, as well as a large numbe
- 这是一个关于SEED-DTK6713的简单的数学运算的例程,可以通过此程序来熟悉DSP开发流程!-This is a SEED-DTK6713 on a simple mathematical operations routines, you can through this process to become familiar with DSP development process
- MATLAB(矩阵实验室的简称)是一种专业的计算机程序,用于工程科学的矩阵数学运 算。但在以后的几年内,它逐渐发展为一种极其灵活的计算体系,用于解决各种重要的技术 问题。MATLAB 程序执行MATLAB 语言,并提供了一个极其广泛的预定义函数库,这样 就使得技术工作变得简单高效。在解决工程技术问题方面,MATLAB 比其它任何计算机语 言(包括FORTAN 和C)都简单高效。本书将介绍MATLAB 语言,并向大家展示如何运 用它去解决经典的技术问题。-MATLAB (sho
- LINGO软件的各种命令教程及在数学建模中的应用,全部是ppt。由浅入深,对于需要建模解决优化问题的人有用-It s a descr iption and instruction of lingo
- 同济大学高等数学课件完美版考研专用请使用缩略图图像跳转到指定页-Tongji University mathematics courseware perfect version of the special use thumbnail images PubMed jump to a specific page
- This book provides an overview and introduction to signal detection and estimation. The book contains numerous examples solved in detail. Since some material on signal detection could be very complex and require a lot of background in engineeri
- 近一百多年来,总有一些公司很幸运地、有意识或者无意识地站在技术革命的浪尖之上。一旦处在了那个位置,即使不做任何事,也可以随着波浪顺顺当当地向前漂个十年甚至更长的时间。在这十几年间,它们代表着科技的浪潮,直到下一波浪潮的来临。 从 一百年前算起,AT&T 公司、IBM 公司、苹果公司 (Apple)、英特尔 (Intel) 公司、微软 (Microsoft) 公司、思科公司 (Cisco) 公司、雅虎 (Yahoo) 公司和谷歌 (Google) 公司都先后被幸运地推到了浪尖。虽然,
- this library a math library containing some common functions
- 对MATLAB软件作了介绍和对基于MATLAB的数学实验系统的设计思想与结构进行了研究分析。重点阐述了该系统的可视化操作界面的结构、功能的设计及控件功能的实现 -MATLAB software was introduced and for the ideological and structural design system based on MATLAB mathematical experiments were analyzed. The system focuses on the r
- This a C++ program which children can boost their knowledge of arithmetic.-This is a C++ program which children can boost their knowledge of arithmetic.
- 进行数学建模时可以参考的资料,里面有大量的源码和经典的实例-When mathematical modeling can reference information, there are a lot of source code and the classic examples
- 吴军《数学之美》电子书 书摘自作者在谷歌黑板报上的一些列文章,阐述了作者对于信息技术领域相关数学理论理解,深入浅出介绍了一些基础数学理论,很棒的一本书~-Wu " mathematical beauty" eBook- Book excerpt the article in a series on the author Google blackboard, describes the author for information technology-related math
- A software to calculate the summation of the hundred numbers