- This application note describes a method for developing block-oriented I/O device drivers for applications that use the DSP/BIOS real-time kernel and includes examples that run with Code Composer Studio v2.1 on the Texas Instruments TMS320C5402 a
- Design Specification Introduction Goals and Objectives GameForge is a graphical tool used to aid in the design and creation of video games. It attempts to bring game development down to a level that any computer savvy user can under
- This was the public transportation inquiry system software engineering design documents, including the demand analysis, the outline design, the contact surface design and so on a series of designs documents, made the comprehensive analysis to the pub
- 一篇老外的《Nail the job interview》,包含101个general面试问题的较为完美的answer,不涉及任何专业。-A foreigner s "Nail the job interview", contains 101 of the more general question of the interview the perfect answer, does not involve any professional.
- 非线性方程求根的理论讲解,包括Newton s Method, The Secant Method, Brent s Method-Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations :Newton s Method, The Secant Method, Brent s Method
- 美国ADI公司的官方DDS文档,包含了在DDS设计过程中出现的各种问题,并给出了详细的解答。-ADI' s DDS U.S. official documents, including the design process in the DDS issues arise, and gives a detailed answer.
- : 讨论了一种采用 D S P芯片T MS 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7实现无传感器永磁同步电机转子磁场定向矢量控制的方案, 介 绍了永磁同步电机的数学模型和矢量控制的基本原理, 给出了在无位置传感器的情况下电机转子位置信号的确定 方法, 采用i , = 0的对凸极式转子磁路结构的无传感器永磁同步电动机的控制方法, 说明采用高速数字信号处理器 易于实现复杂的矢量控制算法, 可以有效地解决电机的强耦合特性.-: A s o l u t i o n t o c o
- :介绍了采用 T MS 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7 A芯片实现对永磁 同步 电机 ( P MS M)的设 计与控制 ,讨论 了空间矢量脉宽调制 ( S V P WM)控制方法 ,并给出了控制系统的硬件设计和 软件实现。试验结果表 明该系统具有较好的跟踪性能 ,稳态精 度较高 ;T MS 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7 A作为 D S P控制器 2 4 x系列 的新成员 ,是电机数字化控制的升级产品。-The d e s i g n a n d c on t r
- VB虽然强大,但要对计算机的底层硬件进行访问却*为力。由于VC++同时具有汇编语言和高级语言的功能和特点,能够直接控制硬件,因此,可以使用VC++编写一个DLL,库中包含有关对硬件控制的函数,然后在VB程序中通过调用DLL中的函数来完成控制行为,使VB对硬件的操作成为可能。-VB powerful, but would like to access the computer' s underlying hardware is powerless. As the VC++ both ass
- 我国电力变压器最新发展趋势及现状 配电变压器我国中小型配电变压器最初是以绝缘油为绝缘介质发展起来的;进入20世纪90年代,干式变压器在我国才有了很快的发展。-The latest development trends of China' s power transformer and current situation of China' s small and medium sized distribution transformers and distribution tra
- 一本讲解PLC技术细节的书.现在大多数PLC方面的书都是在讲各个厂家的PLC使用方法,很少提到制作,值得收藏.-A book to explain technical details PLC. Now is the majority of PLC' s book about the various manufacturers of PLC in use, little mention of production, worthy of collection.
- js自定义 tree , js自定义 tree -s d d s satgdasg asg sdf gs f
- Ce droit de regard sur ses propres données personnelles vise aussi bien la collecte des informations que leur utilisation. Ce droit d’être informé est essentiel car il conditionne l exercice des autres droits tels que le droit d accès ou le droit d o
- 该电路原理图为TI公司MSC1210开发板原理图,非常实用。-The circuit schematic picture shows the TI s MSC1210 development board schematics, very practical.
- 中国GPS研发公司,适合每个学生找工作时方便的知道了解中国的研发公司-GPS R & D company, for each student to find a job know to understand China' s R & D company
- q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m j
- 摘 要: 论文提出了一种适用于城市场景下的基于竞争转发的车载 A d h o e网络路 由算法, 算法摒弃了 H E L L O 消息的使用, 利用分布式的竞争策略根据邻居节点所处的地理位置信息进行下一跳节点的选择. 数据转发使用选定点 路由同时利用了实时的道路交通信息和网络拓扑结构信息进行选定点选择. 采取暂存转发策略处理网络分割现象. 仿 真结果表明该算法比其他类似算法具有更高的数据包递交率和较低的数据延迟 .-Ab s t r a c t : A c o n t e
- 基于D-S理论的MIMO信号处理的研究。通过数学上的证据理论的方法来实现MIMO信号的合并-Research MIMO signal processing D-S theory. By the method of mathematical theory of evidence to achieve the combined MIMO signal
- This a simple python based game. In this game you can move by W A S D keys. You should b careful not to be eaten by monster.-This a simple python based game. In this game you can move by W A S D keys. You should b careful not to be eaten by monster
- Power sector is one of the key sectors contributing significantly to the growth of country’s economy. Power sector needs a more useful role to be played in defining, formulating and implementing the research projects with close involvement of all