- Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*2, Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*4-Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*2, Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*4
- (Probability of error calculation)the probability of error of each SNR in matrix (BER) &Plot the BER curve against SNR
- Perform base band QPSK modulation of a bit stream: (a) without using in-built function, (b) using in-built function. Pass it through an AWGN channel and plot SNR versus BER of the received signal.
- Aim: To pass a (a) BPSK signal (b) QPSK signal through a flat-fading Rayleigh Channel and observe SNR versus BER plot of the equalized signal.