Abstract—LEACH is a hierarchy routing protocol for WSN (wireless sensor networks), which is superior to direct communication protocol, minimum-transmission-energy protocol and static clustering protocol. owever, LEACH itself has some defects. In this
Abstract—the application of wireless sensor network (WSN) is always restricted by the energy shortage of sensor nodes. In order to reduce the entire energy consumption of the WSN, a promising approach is to design light clustering algorithms.LEACH is
LEACH [1] is an autonomous adaptive clustering protocol that distributes the
energy load evenly among the sensors in the network using randomization. The
nodes organize themselves into local clusters, with one node acting as the local
base stat
Energy efficient algorithm based on clustering in wireless sensor networks.
Use of primary and secondary cluster heads for data gathering procedures.
Wireless Sensor Network is the network of power-limited sensing devices called sensors. Wireless sensor network is differ other networks in terms of optimization of amount of energy because when these sensors sense and transmit data to other sensors