- Using visual tags to bypass Bluetooth device discovery.-One factor that has limited the use of Bluetooth as a networking technology for publicly accessible mobile services is the way in which it handles Device Discovery. Establishing a Bluetooth
- Handoff support for mobility with IP over Bluetooth-One factor that has limited the use of Bluetooth as a networking technology for publicly accessible mobile services is the way in which it handles Device Discovery. Establishing a Bluetooth conn
- 本文提出了一种利用用户个性化信息修正服务发现结果的服务发现方法,主要研究了两个方面的问题:服务匹配度的计算问题以及个性化信息的利用问题-This paper presents a user personalized information service discovery amendments to the results of service discovery methods, the main study two aspects: the computation of matching
- 蓝牙的服务发现协议英文说明文档,公司内部培训文件-Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol English documentation, internal training document
- Web service discovery is one of the main applications of semantic Web services, which extend standard Web services with semantic annotations. Current discovery solutions were developed in the context of automatic service composition. Thus, the “c