- 在蓄电池应用领域, 铅酸蓄电池以可靠、电容量大、维护简单等特点占有很大的市场。本文太阳能铅酸蓄电 池的充电方案采用了在单片机领域应用最广的51 单片机, 依靠adc 进行模拟量数据采集并在51 上采用软件实现pwm 算法 对12v 铅酸蓄电池进行( 三段精细) 充电控制, 得到良好的控制效果。基于51 单片机的铅酸蓄电池充电器的实现-Applications in batteries, lead-acid battery to a reliable, large capacity, si
- 太阳能做为世界上最清洁的能源,目前有着广泛的用途。但由于质量、价格的限制,太阳能发电在国内的利用还处在低水平上,与中国的经济发展形成很大的反差。随着人民生产水平的提高,解决偏远地区居民用电问题也摆上了政府的议事日程;同时各类无人值守地点也适合太阳能发电系统,如各类微波传送站、无线发射点、水文监测点等,随着国家对环保要求不断高,对太阳能发电的需求越来越多,因此迫切需要一些价廉物美的太阳能发电系统。-Solar energy as the world' s clean energy, curr
- It is matlab simulink file that contained a simple model of renewable energy system like wind solar battery. It is useful to see how the system model and how it is demenstrated as a system.
- 详细介绍了一种超级电容器太阳能草坪灯的设计及实现方案。-Details of a super-capacitor solar energy lawn lamp Design and Implementation of the program.
- 因為光電材料科技的日新月異,促使LED之應用產品更為寬闊。 LED產業的三大產品 手機市場 交通號誌 汽車市場 LED具有照明效果,因此配合太陽能可能為照明市場未來各國投入的主因-Optical materials because of technology, to promote the application of LED products much wider. LED industry, the mobile phone market the three produc
- The solar energy received in one day is equivalent to more than ten times the anual energy consumption of everyone on earth. This revelation along with the worldwide trend of green energy, has led to an exponential growth of the number of Pho
- Mechanical / Electrical / Software Team Design and Prototyping for a Sun Tracking Solar Energy Collector System-Mechanical/Electrical/Software Team Design and Prototyping for a Sun Tracking Solar Energy Collector System
- 太阳能路灯系统能耗较大,所需配套的蓄电池容量也较大,造成成本过高,影47T太阳能路灯系统的实际工程推广。针对此 问题,设计出了一种新型的节能照明控制器,与传统路灯控制器相比,可使能耗大大降低。该控制器控制功能易于实现,运行可 靠,可使照明工程既满足功能性的要求,又能实现最大限度的节能。-Large energy consumption in solar streetlight system, the required battery capacity is also supporti
- 可再生能源光伏发电和风力发电是重要的能源,而外界环境的影响也要分析,提出的方案很好地适应了这种变化。-The integration of renewable resources such as solar and wind energy is becoming increasingly attractive. This is being used widely for bstitution of oil-produced energy and will help to minimize a
- Many people associate solar energy directly with photovoltaics and not with solar thermal power generation. Nevertheless, large commercial concentrating solar thermal power plants have been generating electricity at a reasonable cost for more tha
- A-sLEACH An Advanced Solar Aware Leach Protocol for Energy-A-sLEACH An Advanced Solar Aware Leach Protocol for Energy
- 太阳能家用照明系统由光伏电池组件、蓄电池、控制器和照明负载等主要器件组成。光伏电池组件将接收到太阳光能转变电能储存在蓄电池之中,控制器将根据用户的需要控制蓄电池向照明负载供电或断电-Solar home lighting system consists of components of photovoltaic cells, batteries, controller and lighting load device.Components of photovoltaic cells will r
- 本文主要是对太阳能光伏逆变器总体供电电路的设计及研究。-This paper is mainly about the overall power supply circuit of solar photovoltaic inverter design and research.
- Solar Energy Fundamentals and Modeling Techniques, good book for the solar enegry
- solar energy design system
- The world currently uses about 13 terawatts (TW) of energy, and it is predicted by 2050, an additional 10 TW will be required. Not only that, the additional energy required will be have to be carbon neutral. Considering all of this, what is the
- calculation of solar energy output using solar radiation
- Calculation of Solar energy output
- Solar photovoltaic (SPV) water pumping systems have the potential to provide clean drinking water to millions of unserved people around the world. The abundant solar energy resource and groundwater availability in the Pacific Island Countries (PI
- a good reference for solar energy, a must have for renewable energy researchers-a good reference for solar energy, a must have for renewable energy researchers!!