- Problem Statement As the head of information systems for Wylie College you are tasked with developing a new student registration system. The college would like a new client-server system to replace its much older system developed around mainframe t
- This application is a user-friendly tool that encompasses all functions required to create / maintain online course and student information. An instructor can use this tool to manage all courses offered by semester, to create / update / view student
- 对在校某班学生一门课程的平时成绩与考试成绩进行统一管理。每个学生记录包括学号、姓名、考试成绩和总评成绩等信息,以学号为序存放。-Certain classes of students in the school a course of ordinary achievements and examination results for unified management. Each student records including student number, name, test scor
- 本课程设计主要解决在运动会上,将各个比赛项目所有获得名次的同学的成绩输入;成绩查询;成绩修改;成绩删除;以及成绩输出。-This course is designed mainly to solve the Games, all events will be ranking all the students entering grades performance queries performance changes achievement deleted and results out
- 1. 有5个学生,每个学生的数据包括学号、姓名、三门课的成绩,从键盘输入5个学生的数据,要求打印出三门课总平均成绩,以及最高分的学生的数据(包括姓名、学号、三门课的成绩、平均分数)。要求用一个input函数输入成绩;用average函数求总平均分;用max函数找出最高分学生数据;总平均分和最高分的学生的数据在主函数中输出。-1. 5 students, each student data including student number, name, course grades, five st
- This project is a portal for students and teachers. Students can create projects and upload files, and teachers, besides the things mentioned above for the students, can give grades.
- 车牌定位系统的目的在于正确获取整个图像中车牌的区域, 并识别出车牌号。通过设计实现车牌识别系统,能够提高学生 分析问题和解决问题的能力,还能培养一定的科研能力。 -Plate positioning system aims to correct the license plate to get the entire image area, and identify turnout grades. License plate recognition system by design,
- 学生信息管理系统 一、 课题内容和要求 设计一个简化的学生成绩管理系统,并用C语言实现。对该系统的要求如下: 1. 该系统应实现以下功能 (1)按班级按课程从文件中读入相应的平时成绩、期中考试成绩和期末考试成绩。 (2)三个成绩对总评成绩的百分比被定义为常数,各占总成绩的20 、30 和50 。 (3)计算每位学生的总评成绩。 (4)计算该班级某课程的总平均成绩。 (5)算处于优、良、中、及格、不及格的学生人数以及占总人数的百分比。其中100
- 有5个学生,每个学生的数据包括学号、姓名、三门课的成绩,从键盘输入5个学生的数据,要求打印出三门课总平均成绩-5 students, each student data including student number, name, course grades, five students in the data input the keyboard, requires printing (including a three-course total grade point average