- R 树, 存取方式的当中最普遍的的用长方形, 是根据区域的启发式优化围绕的长方形在各个内在结点通过运行在一张规范化的试验平台下高度变化的数据, 询问和操作众多的实验, 我们能设计合并联合的优化的R* 树区域, 各个附寄的长方形边际和交叠在目录使用我们规范化的试验床在详尽表现比较,它结果R* 树清楚地胜过现有的R 树变形Guttman’s线性和二次方R 树和R 树的格林变形,R* 树的这优势举行为不同的型询问和操作, 譬如地图覆盖物。 为两个长方形和多维点在所有实验从一个实用观点R* 树是非常有吸
R tree method
- The R Treean Efficientand Robust Access Method for Point sand Rectangles
- Opencv中cvMinAreaRect2函数应用,获取最小外接矩形及其角度-Opencv cvMinAreaRect2 function in the application of the minimum bounding rectangle and the point of access
- In wireless local area networks often a station can potentially associate with more than one access point. Therefore, a relevant question is which access point to select best from a list of candidate ones. In IEEE 802.11, the user
- 一种基于方向信息的鲁棒型Hausdorff距离匹配方法。该方法采用方向信息提取图 像边缘,通过计算边缘匹配率( edge matching rate, EMR)获得候选匹配区域,然后采用修正后的Hausdorff距离构造 相似性测度。实验结果表明,该方法加快了匹配过程,提高了抗噪性能,并能够准确匹配含有遮挡和伪边缘点的图 像,从而解决了基于传统Hausdorff距离匹配方法因噪声点、伪边缘点和出格点而造成的误匹配问题。-Based on the direction of inform
- .NET平台下专题地图实现的C#代码 private void 点密度图ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //获取当前图层 ,并把它设置成IGeoFeatureLayer的实例 IMap pMap = axMapControl1.Map ILayer pLayer = pMap.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer IFeatureLay
- 争对移动声源采用波束形成进行语音增强,提出一种约束子带波束形成算法。其波束形成器基于一个软约束,其目的是要使波束指向特定的区域即声源方向。而其核心在于首先要进行声源定位,获得尽量准确的方位信息,然后构造软约束条件,用于波束形成。且在此过程中不断跟踪声源的移动情况。在构造的约束条件中,需要知道声源的二维信息,即与麦克风阵列的距离和方向角,“软”体现在对距离和方向角的确定都是在一定范围内的,有待进一步更正。-Between the mobile sound source using beamform
- NS2高手season写的关于NS2的29个疑难点的解答,对学习NS2很有帮助。-NS2 expert season was on the NS2 difficult point of the 29 answers, very helpful to learn NS2.
- Pt100测温电路调试体会 主要介绍Pt100测温电路常用的几种接法包括两线制桥式测温电路,三线制桥式测温电路,恒流源测温电路。以及各种测温电路调试时的注意点。-Pt100 temperature measuring circuit debugging experience introduces the Pt100 temperature measurement circuit of several commonly used access method, including two-wir
- 本專題分為3大部份 1. 對單一圖片做邊緣檢測後, 統計其複雜度, 再以 Delaunay 三角網來分割複雜度較高的圖形, 將此圖形之三角網的三點座標與RGP值 取樣後壓縮儲存, 及達成壓縮目的. 還原部份為, 以線性內插則是將取樣後的三角網三點內插後還原之原理, 還原單一影像, 再將所有還原之影像串連撥放即完成之影片還原. 2.讀取RS-232接至RFID門禁系統, 讀取Myfair悠遊卡之卡號, 進行身份辨識後, 可選擇需要觀賞之影片.
- TR196 femtocell(Femto Access Point Service Data Model)文檔-TR196 femtocell(Femto Access Point Service Data Model) document
- Additionally, the access point may connect to a costly resource (e.g., a satellite link), or an external network that is susceptible to intrusion. For such reasons and others that concern data availability and response time, MANET applications sho
- WiMAX (worldwide interoperability for microwave access),a technology based on an evolving standard for point-to-multipoint wireless networking. Wireless internet services can be provided to user s antennas through transreceivers, for which ca
- WiMAX and WiFi have emerged as promising broadband access solutions for the latest generation of wireless MANs and LANs, respectively. Their complementary features enable the use of WiMAX as a backhaul service to connect multiple dispersed Wi
- NETGEAR Wireless Access Point ME102 使用手册,可以做AP ,可以做网桥-NETGEAR Wireless Access Point ME102 manual, you can do the AP, you can do to bridge
- ARM Architecture Reference Manual The purpose of this manual is to describe the ARM instruction set architecture, including its high code density Thumb® subset, and three of its standard coprocessor extensions: • The standard System Co
- 学生绩点管理系统,功能包括导入excel数据,用表格显示所有数据,查询个人数据并用折线图表示,综合反馈功能,修改数据并保存功能。-Student grade point management system, features include import excel data table to display all of the data, access to personal data and line chart, comprehensive feedback function, modi
- 本文通过一种较简单的方法,设计了频率可调的正弦信号函数发生器。本文设计的正弦波发生器通过改变取点的步长实现频率可调,通过加法器获得输出点地址,调用ROM存储单元的数据,实现了正弦波发生器的设计。包括源码以及仿真结果,完整实验报告~-This article through a relatively simple method, the design of the sinusoidal signal of the frequency tunable function generator. Pape
- This mode bridges a wireless network to a wired Ethernet network. A wireless access point is required for infrastructure mode wireless networking, which serves as the central WLAN communication station to which the mobile clients attach.
- This is a wired cum wireless scenario with access point.