- The development of a data acquisition card based on USB bus is introduced in this article.It first describes the configuration and principle of this card in the part of hardware design,and then the application program and device driver in the part of
- 应该也适用于特惠版 仅针对XP系统,Win7使用者可参考,未做测试 作者:scmeiqy 本文档仅作为本人安装使用备忘录,如果涉及版权之类的东西,与本人无关. 假如你不小心发现了它,请立即删除 一.安装: 1.使用官方的 http://download.iciba.com/Pw2010_Ultimate/PowerWord2010Oxf_Ultimate.exe 2.破解方法: 使用压缩包:网上有的,里面最新日期应该是20100701 金山词霸2010破解补丁.rar 或者
- data recovery application note from xilinx web sit
- 遗传算法基本理论 经典应用实例 演化程序——遗传算法和数据编码的结合-The basic theory of classical genetic algorithm application examples Evolution process, genetic algorithm and data coding
- DLMS: IEC 62056-53 COSEM 应用层英文完整版-IEC 62056-53 Electricity metering – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control –Part 53: COSEM application layer
- Owing to the broad application value of audio watermarking in remote transmission and mobile extraction, it is very important to study watermarking approaches against A/D and D/A conversion. Based on wavelet decomposition and cepstrum technol
- Owing to the broad application value of audio watermarking in remote transmission and mobile extraction, it is very important to study watermarking approaches against A/D and D/A conversion. Based on wavelet decomposition and cepstrum technol
- Tribon M3管系生产信息提取程序(python程序应用)-Production information management system Tribon M3 extraction process (python program application)
- Abstract—the application of wireless sensor network (WSN) is always restricted by the energy shortage of sensor nodes. In order to reduce the entire energy consumption of the WSN, a promising approach is to design light clustering algorithms.LEACH is
- 这个ppt主要把mtk中camera部分向大家做个尽量系统的汇报,希望能给大家一个camera模块总体的介绍,为以后的开发提供一个资料参考。-The ppt major part of the mtk in the camera as much as possible to you to be a system of reporting, I hope that it introduced a camera module overall, for the future development o
- SMD data code for application data elecktronic
- 这是一些讲述如何进行matlab基本应用的资料书籍,是平时收集的。有助于学习。-This is about how some of the basic application data matlab books, is usually collected. Contribute to learning.
- 本文以分布式面向海量信息的并行数据管理平台为应用背景,分析比较了不 同层次的负载均衡技术,重点讨论了基于中间件的负载均衡技术。针对当前流行 中间件负载均衡产品的某些不足,设计并实现了遵循CORBA规范的负载均衡服 务AFLS -In this paper, for the vast amounts of information in parallel distributed data management platform for the application backgrou
- 以天气雷达体积扫描的资料为基础,采用交叉相关法建立了一种对暴雨的临近预报方法-Based on the Doppler radar data , a technique is described with the cross correlation method to heavy rainfall nowcast .
- 发给大家分享一下,不知好用不好用!但愿大家满意吧!-Diagrams are a natural and intuitive way of expressing relationships in your application data. E-Form++ Components make it easy to add expressive, interactive UML diagrams to your application.
- 使用vc++MFC的ODBC类,将Excel文件当作一般的数据库表格,利用ODBC技术像访问数据库一样去读/写Excel文 件。该文结合应用实例讨论了在Vc++程序中导出/导入Excel数据的方法。 注意:此文档非本人所写-Use vc++ MFC ODBC classes, the Excel file as a database form, the same as access to the database to read/write Excel files using ODBC
- 文件为基于zigbee的室内照明控制方案,主要讲述以太网应用层的协议。实现以太网网与zigbee协议之间的数据交换。-Documents for the interior lighting control based on zigbee scheme, mainly about Ethernet application layer protocol. Realize the etheric segments and zigbee agreement of data exchange
- 结合XML 技术描述的元数据设计空间数据的共享管理平台, 功能包含数据的检索、基于空间范围和关键字的查询、元数据查看、空间数据集的浏览等功能, 实现空间数据的基本交换中心( 站) , 为空间数据的高级别共享提供一种可行的实现途径。-Realization and application of spatial data share and management platform based on XML metadata discr iption
- bootstrap仿真的应用与实现,可以对采样数据进行概率统计。-The bootstrap simulation applications and achieve statistical probability sampling data.
- Sources of noise generation are pervasive in contemporary industrial applications. Unwanted noise presents one of the major problems in measuring power or protecting circuits in such an environment. Knowing the characteristics and understanding t