- A New Architecture for fast Arithmetic Coding in H.264 Advanced Video Coder.pdf 很不错的一个优化算法-A New Architecture for fast Arithmetic Cod ing in the H.264 Advanced Video Coder.pdf a very good Optimization Algorithm
- 本文又用C语言实现了标准的自适应算术编码,拿它与用FPGA实现的改进后的自适应算术编码的仿真结果对比验证了这种改进后编码器编码的正确性。此种结构的编码效率很高,一个时钟编码一个数据比特,时钟频率可以达到50MHZ,占用的硬件资源大约有800个CLB(可配置逻辑模块)。-This thesis realizes the adaptive arithmetic coding which is not improved with C language,compare with the result o
- The optimal predictors of a lifting scheme in the general n-dimensional case are obtained and applied for the lossless compression of still images using rst quincunx sampling and then simple row-column sampling. In each case, the e ciency of the
- Dynamic Pipeline Design of an Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder