- 餐饮管理系统是为了适应当今酒店的管理方法,更加全面、准确、有效地完成餐饮业的各种管理工作而开发的一个应用软件。本系统实现了传统餐饮业的日常运作无需靠大量人工管理,从原材料入库到客人点单,再到结账也无需大量人工来完成记录,这样做不仅减少人力资源而且也避免了记录丢失或重复等错误,同时也增强了管理水平。所以本系统具有手工管理所无法比拟的优点。如:检索迅速、查找方便、存储量大、成本低等。本餐饮管理系统主要是利用windows窗体作为界面,采用C/S开发模式,单击版,本系统的前台开发采用的是ASP.NET
- 网上图书交易系统采用Microsoft Visual Studio开发工具SQL Server 2005数据库ASP及C语言开发而成 比较不错的论文-Book online transaction system using Microsoft Visual Studio development tool SQL Server 2005 ASP.net database and C language developed relatively good paper
- 开发工具:Visual Studio 2008.NET(C#) + Microsoft SQL Server 2005 网上下载的地磅称重系统的 设计文档,word的设计文档-Development tools: Visual Studio 2008 asp.net (C#)+ Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Online download of the weighing system meet the design documents, word design
- Textual passwords are the most common method used for authentication. But textual passwords are vulnerable to eves dropping, dictionary attacks, social engineering and shoulder surfing. Graphical passwords are introduced as alternative techniques to
- The “Payroll Management” is based on the salary activity for each company staff depending on their attendance. The first activity is based on saving the employees details where each employee will be given a unique Employee ID. The Admin only has the