- 建立一个属于自己的avr的RTOS Proteus6.7 可以用来模拟仿真avr系列的单片机 Winavr v2.0.5.48 基于GCC avr的编译环境,好处在于可以在C语言中插入asm的语句 mega8 1K的ram有8K的rom,是开发8位的RTOS的一个理想的器件,并且我对它也比较熟悉-Belong to their own set up an avr can be used to the RTOS Proteus6.7 simulation avr microcont
- 怎么样学好avr单片机,非常好的资料,希望大家喜欢!-Learn how to avr microcontroller, very good information, i hope everyone likes!
- avr 无痛苦起步,这是我读过的最好的avr学习文档。介绍给各位朋友分享。-avr without the pain started, this is the best i have read documentation to learn avr. introduced to all our friends to share.
- c++ Ngô n ngữ C cho vi đ iề u khiể n Các tài liệ u tham khả o, ebook. Programming Microcontrollers in C (Ted Van Sickle) C Programming for Microcontrollers (Joe Pardue SmileyMicros.com ) Programming 16-Bit P
- nRF905发送和接收代码,只需根据单片机信号改变i/O口即可使用,本代码运行环境为avr atemga128(l)-the code of the transmition and receive of nRF905
- 有一位编程大师,他写非结构化的程序,一位初学者刻意模仿他,也写非结构化的程序。当他让大师看他的进步时,大师批评了他的非结构化程序:“ 对一位编程大师合适的东西未必对一个初学者同样合适,在超越结构化之前,你必须理解编程之道。” 我个人认为作为一个初学者应该踏踏实实的打好程序设计的基础,不要急功近利,舍本逐末。我走过不少弯路,希望大家能和我一样能牢记编程大师的忠告:“对编程大师合适的东西未必对一个初学者同样合适”。 本文所描述的优秀编程风格适合于大部分语言,文章中可能提到你不是很了解的概念,
- RFM12B and avr The RFM12B tranceiver module has become quite popular recently due to its low price comparing to other modules on the market. But many people nd it hard to make these tranceivers work (mainly because of buggy programming guid
- avr汇编语言,集合了几乎全部汇编子程序,并且注释齐全,特别适合初学者,是我精心的收藏-avr assembly language, assembled a compilation of almost all the subroutines, and complete notes, especially for beginners, i carefully Favorites
- i collected some document about avr interfaces. i give you some files. i hope it is useful for everybody
- 分析了输入信号的频谱,运用的FFT处理数据,外国人设计的 效果不错-This is an experimental work to monitor a spectrum pattern in radio band, and is a continuous project from Audio Spectrum Monitor. To analyze the spectrum of an input signal, i chose an Atmel avr microcontroller that
- hello,i uploaded more than 6 documents.a very useful related avr microcontroller.so activate for my id.
- 一款手上有的avr板子原理图,希望对大家又所帮助!-A hand and some avr board schematic, and i hope they are helping!
- avr开发板原理图,初学者可以借鉴!本人开发板光盘里的-avr development board schematics, beginners can learn! CD of the development board, i
- str lentght decoder to show i for glcdmages on LCD for avr
- avr programer za ATMEGA 8 Za elektronič are koji u svojim uređ ajima koriste legendarni mikrokontroler AT mega 8, preporuč ujemo za gradnju ovaj programer koji se pokazao kao pouzdan bar š to se tič e programiranja AT mega 8
- avr 单片机学习总结,以问答方式出现。希望能给朋友们一点帮助-some question answer for avr study.i hope it is helpful for your learning.
- determination of R-R interval of each ECG wave of six limb leads (Leads i, ii, iii, avr, AVL and AVF) by using square derivative curve technique. Baseline or isoelectric level of every ECG signal is also determined for accurate computation of
- in this project we use atmega32 in codevision avr to drive stepper motor. i wrote function to move motor cw or ccw with specific degree or clock.