- 硬盘以及分区结构简介。 硬盘分区表和文件分配表 硬盘只有经过物理格式化,分区,逻辑格式化后才能使用,在进行分区时,FDISK 会在硬盘的0柱面0磁头1扇区建一个64字节的分区表,在分表的前面是主引导记录 (MRB),后面是两个字节的有效标志55H,AAH,(H表示16进制)。此扇区被称为主 引导扇区,也是病毒最爱侵袭的地方,它由主引导记录+分区表+有效标志组成。 分区表对于系统自举十分重要,它规定着系统有几个分区;每个分区的起始及终止 扇区,大小以及是否为活动分区等重要信息。
- 通过对现有230MHz数传电台通信系统的分析,结合目前先进的无线通信技术,分别从网络结构、信道利用、频谱利用和通信可靠性等几个方面分析了230 MHz频谱资源的利用问题,并提出提高230MHz频段无线资源利用的可行性方法建议。,Through the existing 230MHz data radio communications system analysis, combined with advanced wireless communications technology, separa
- 研究相关瑞利衰落信道上MIMO系统中组合发射机选择合并(SC)/4t-收机最大比合并(MRC)的天线分集系统性能。使用矩生成函数方法,推导相关瑞利衰落信道上采用组合SC/MRC天线分集和相干检测的M 进制相移键控(MPSK),M进制正交幅度调制(MQAM),M 进制脉冲幅度调制(MPAM)等几种M 进制数字调制方式的误符号率精确表达式。数值计算结果阐明相关性和天线阵结构对采用组合SC/MRC天线分集的几种M 进制数字调制方式的平均误符号率性能的影响。-Research related to Ra
- 为了解决软件无线电通信系统中频采样之后的极大数据量在基带处理部分对DSP计算的压力,常采用多速率处理技术.多速率处理过程中需要使用积分梳状滤波器、半带滤波器和高阶FIR滤波器.在分析了积分梳状滤波器的结构和特性的基础上,阐述了多级CIC滤波器一种高效的FPGA实现方法,该方法的正确性和可行性通过Quartus Ⅱ的时序仿真分析得以验证,实际中可以推广应用.-In order to solve software-defined radio communications system after I
- 针对全数字软件接收机中抽取滤波器的设计,提出了一种适合在FPGA内实现的单级积分清洗的滤波器结构,这种结构解决了传统积分梳妆滤波器中可能出现的积分器溢出问题,同时还可进行非整数倍的抽取变换.给出了一种无乘法半带滤波器的IIR实现结构,并对该滤波器性能进行了仿真,结果表明在输出过采样率大于4时基本不会影响系统误码性能.-Software for all-digital receiver decimation filter design, presents a suitable FPGA integ
- 基带数字传输系统的仿真 基带传输系统的基本结构带限信道的仿真以及性能分析;眼图和星座图判断信号的传输质量。 -Base-band digital transmission system simulation-based transmission system with the basic structure of band-limited channel simulation and performance analysis eye diagrams and constellation t
- this my article about PhCMC filters title : "Tuneable Silicon Photonic Crystal Microcavity Filter by Using Nonuniform Structures" Abstract: A silicon photonic crystal microcavity filter is simulated and analysed using the finite differen
- A method to deduce band structure
- 摘 要:本文介绍了工作于2.4GHz ISM 频段的射频收发芯片nRF2401 的芯片结构、引脚功能、工作模式、 接收与发送的工作流程,详细描述了nRF2401 的器件配置,给出了应用电路图,分析了PCB 设计时应该 注意的问题,最后对全文进行了总结。 英文版-Abstract: This paper describes the nRF2401 chip structure of the work in the 2.4GHz ISM band RF transceiver chip,
- 本文介绍了工作于2.4GHz ISM 频段的射频收发芯片nRF2401 的芯片结构、引脚功能、工作模式、 接收与发送的工作流程,详细描述了nRF2401 的器件配置,给出了应用电路图,分析了PCB 设计时应该 注意的问题,最后对全文进行了总结。-This article describes the work in the 2.4GHz ISM band RF transceiver chip nRF2401 chip structure, the pin functions, opera
- Fourier transform and eigen-solver are the two fundamental problems to solve. To understand better about them helps a lot in doing numerical analysis. The following are the band diagram of a 5*5 square lattice photonic crystalTM band structure fo
- TM band structure for a 2D square lattice with alumina rods in air Changing the mesh to triangle lattice
- this file is about band structure of 3d photonic crystal.in this program we use the pwe methode for calculation of band structure
- 用平面波展开法计算的二维光子晶体的能带结构图,典型例程1-With the plane wave expansion method to calculate the two-dimensional photonic crystal band structure diagram, a typical routine
- 用平面波展开法计算的二维光子晶体空气孔结构,TM和TE模式的能带图,matlab程序源代码-With the plane wave expansion method to calculate the two-dimensional photonic crystal structure of air holes, TM and TE modes of the energy band diagram, matlab source code
- 用平面波展开法计算二维带缺陷态结构的光子晶体的能带图。matlab程序源代码-With a two-dimensional plane wave expansion method to calculate the band structure of photonic crystal defect states in the energy band diagram. matlab source code
- 这个程序可以计算硅的能带结构,里面包涵了求解本征函数,本征值,和本征态的代码-The program code can calculate the band structure of silicon, which bear solving eigenfunctions, eigenvalues and eigenstates
- matlab PBGBand 主要研究光子晶体能带结构-matlab PBGBand main photonic crystal band structure
- This microstrip patch antenna for dual band frequency is designed with the help of defected ground structure to obtain a patch antenna with small dimensions and sufficient bandwidth as compared to conventional patch antenna .The effect of defected gr
- 使用平面波展开法(PWE)计算声子晶体能带结构-Using the plane wave expansion method (PWE) to calculate the phonon band structure of crystals