- 这是一个蓝牙鼠标、蓝牙键盘解决方案,打算做蓝牙项目的可以参考一下。-This is a Bluetooth mouse, Bluetooth keyboard, solutions, trying to do the Bluetooth project for reference.
- This paper addresses the specific issues that a design team will have to consider in creating solutions for embedded devices. Starting with a generic architecture, issues regarding the creation of the hardware target and concomitant softwar
- 远距离蓝牙模块,模块在空旷场所通信距离达到1800米,广泛得被国防科大、武汉大学等众多科研项目配套使用。 模块可以是用在USB蓝牙,也可以用在串口数据无线传输。其串口模块成对使用,对于外界开发来说,其相当于一根蓝牙串口线。您无需考虑繁琐的蓝牙协议,您只需要简单的配置波特率、主从模式,就可以为您的系统增加一个强大的蓝牙功能,您只需要用您的单片机通过串口发送数据就能实现蓝牙通信。蓝牙模块 远距离蓝牙 工业蓝牙 医疗蓝牙 串口蓝牙 USB蓝牙 性能稳定 性价比高 -Descr iption:
- 这是一个Android平台的Bluetooth(蓝牙)编程实现,包含了整个工程的实现步骤以及完整代码及配置文档,上传了部分界面效果-This is an Android Bluetooth programming implementation, contains the whole project implementation steps, and complete code and configuration document, upload some of the interface eff
- Robot Sumo Bluetooth project.
- 本项目设计开发基于Bluetooth无线通信技术的智能手机/PC机的直接管理控制家庭电灯同时利用一些智能传感器感知家庭室内亮度将光照信息传递给单片机判断处理,自动调节照明灯打开个数,实现家庭照明系统控制简单方便、节能低碳环保功能。-The project design and development based on Bluetooth wireless communication technology of the smart phone /PC machine direct manageme
- Circuit connections of this project are very simple. Bluetooth module’s Rx and Tx pins are directly connected to the Tx and Rx pins of Microcontroller. Three 5 volt relays are used as a switch for turning On and Off the home appliances running on AC