- This 5 Mfiles for demo digital modulation (ASK,FSK,BPSK,QPSK,8PSK)-This is 5 Mfiles for demo digital modulation (ASK,FSK,BPSK,QPSK,8PSK)
- In many applications, it is economical for a single modem to receive multiple modulation formats. In particular, the use of BPSK and QPSK has become a defacto standard in many military and NASA systems. However, there is significant interest
- In this assignment, a report about Matlab functions of generating random numbers is prepared and then BPSK , QPSK and 8PSK symbols input sequence of bits are obtained. After that the expected value of generated symbols and the symbol energy are calcu
- BPSK使用了基准的正弦波和相位反转的波浪,使一方为0,另一方为1,从而可以同时传送接受2值(1比特)的信息。由于最单纯的键控移相方式虽抗噪音较强但传送效率差,所以常常使用利用4个相位的QPSK和利用8个相位的8PSK。