- 基本功能 该密码锁采用ID和密码两者相结合校验的方式,只有在用户输入自己的ID和对应的密码的情况下才能执行开锁动作 -basic functions using the password lock ID and password combination of the two methods of calibration. Only the user entering their ID and password corresponding to the situation can be i
- 来电显示记录器,可以记录400多条电话来电记录。-Caller ID records, you can record telephone calls more than 400 records.
- 学生系统,可以输入学号、姓名、地址、电话等,可以查询、可以保存-Students in the system, you can enter the Student ID, name, address, telephone and so on, you can query, you can save
- CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units (ECUs). Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously: a message (consisting primarily of an ID — usually chosen to identify the
- CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units (ECUs). Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously: a message (consisting primarily of an ID — usually chosen to identify the
- CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units (ECUs). Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously: a message (consisting primarily of an ID — usually chosen to identify the
- CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units (ECUs). Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously: a message (consisting primarily of an ID — usually chosen to identify the
- CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units (ECUs). Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously: a message (consisting primarily of an ID — usually chosen to identify the
- ①输入模块 ②显示模块 ③查询模块 ④可以按学号、姓名、名次的方式修改某个学生记录; ⑤删除模块 ⑥插入模块 ⑦追加模块 ⑧排序模块 ⑩装入模块 ⑨保存模块 -① Input Module ② Display Module ③ Query Module ④ can be Student ID, name, modify the ranking of a student records ⑤ Remove Module ⑥ plug-in
- this rolling display program but it is not so much work for me so can nyone have something real program then send itto my id -this is rolling display program but it is not so much work for me so can nyone have something real program then send itto m
- 硕士论文,设计了基于RFID的集装箱电子锁并讨论了电子标签的防碰撞机制。比较了目前常用的电子标签常用的防碰撞方法。在Aloha算法和时间片Aloha算法的基础上加以改进,可自动获取读头读取范围的标签ID清单并动态分配时间片给电子标签。在该算法 中融入系统低频唤醒和定时唤醒的特点,以降低电子标签的功耗。-Master' s thesis, the design of container-based RFID electronic lock and discussed the e-tag
- 分别分析A-GPS GPS CELL-ID 三种定位方式的性能,三种配合应用才能实现无缝定位-Were analyzed A-GPS GPS CELL-ID 3 kinds of positioning methods of performance, three kinds of applications can be achieved with seamless positioning
- 网络订票 从网络订票功能上分析,车票的信息应该包括列车的车次、出发地和目的地、席位的类型,票价和出发的日期时间。预订车票时用户需要输入购票的张数,旅客和联系人资料。为了方便旅客取得车票,系统生成取票号码,用户可以凭借此号码与身份证取得车票,并付款。 订票功能,只受理5天后到20天之间的订票业务。对于循环发车的车次,系统不提供订票。订好车票的旅客,需要于开车两天前到取票点取票,否则系统将自动收回所订的车票。 -Internet booking reservations from th
- 摘 要: 经过限带滤波后的QDPSK 信号的码元波形可分为稳定区与过渡区, 根据这一特点可以利用DFT 方法来实现信 号的解调和位同步。 在这种数字化解调器中需要设计一个合适的带通滤波器, 以便尽可能地消除信号的旁瓣分量而不影响信号 码元稳定区内的波形。本文介绍了上述带通滤波器的方案选择和基于M at lab 的滤波器参数设计方法, 以及仿真效果。-Abs tra c t: A f ter a band pass f ilter, QDPSK signal′ s symbo l can
- 1.录入 可以录入航班情况(数据可以存储在一个数据文件中,数据结构、具体数据自定) 2.查询 可以查询某个航线的情况(如,输入航班号,查询起降时间,起飞抵达城市,航班票价,票价折扣,确定航班是否满仓); 可以输入起飞抵达城市,查询飞机航班情况; 3.订票 (订票情况可以存在一个数据文件中,结构自己设定) 可以订票,如果该航班已经无票,可以提供相关可选择航班; 4.退票 可退票,退票后修改相关数据文件; 客户资料有姓名,证件号,订票数量及航班情况,订单要有编号
- this project or pdf file explain how can you use dtmf to chow caller id info
- 潍柴发动机文档,包括发动机支持的报文,与数据格式-about the weicai document,include the ID number the engine supported,and the data format of CAN data
- 让一个地址簿,包括ID、名称、 电话号码、地址和公司。 可以插入、显示、搜索和删除。-make an address book,include ID,Name, Phone number,Address and company number. can Insert,Display,Search and Delete.
- DECT是ETSI颁布的一种近距离无线通信协议,工作频率在1.8G-1.9GHz,典型距离为室内50米,室外300米。 本系统有以下主要功能: 1)传输视频:访客按门铃时,主人可以很方便地通过无绳子机的彩屏LCD看到访客图像,子机发出叮咚提示铃声,主人可通过子机按键选择开锁。LCD为1.8\ 65K色彩屏。 2)系统本身可作为彩屏无绳电话使用,有中文显示及输入法,来电显示等功能 3)可无绳通过子机与楼宇管理中心通话 适合居民单元楼,机关楼,别墅等场景使用 -DECT ET
- BMW CAN ID decode codes for E65 models. Sniffing and decode K-CAN 100kbs