- This text surrounds the development of the electric power SCADA system exactly, aiming at the present condition of the our country electric power charged barbed wire net currently, according to the oneself at the e- lectric power protect the professi
- Hadoop: The Definitive Guide-Hadoop: The Definitive Guide helps you harness the power of your data. Ideal for processing large datasets, the Apache Hadoop framework is an open source implementation of the MapReduce algorithm on which Google built its
- ZXM10-MISU多功能一体化监控设备用户手册(中兴)。随着移动通信覆盖面的日益扩大和普及,移动通信基站也如星罗棋布般的遍及全国各地。移动通信基站所处的大多数地区,电力网情况并不稳定,机房环境也比较恶劣,而且平时机房基本上都是无人值守的,所以对基站进行集中监控比本地网集中监控有着更为迫切的需求。基站监控系统是为了适应这种要求而开发的一种专用监控系统,用于对基站的环境量和动力设备进行监控。面向基站的监控系统,将会随着移动通信的迅速发展而拥有越来越多的市场。多功能一体化监控设备MISU作为E-GU
- An Open Source Power System Virtual Laboratory: The PSAT Case and Experience
- CLOUD COMPUTING Towards Self-manageable Cloud Services Cloud computing represents a promising computing paradigm, where computational power is provided as a utility. An important characteristic of Cloud computing, other than in similar paradigms
- 电力系统风险评估方法和应用实例研究,介绍一种新的可用于电力系统规划、设计、运行及维护领域风险评估的方法。该方法强调工程应 用, 探讨电力系统的实际问题。根据规划、运行、维修和资产管理方面的不同要求, 发展特定的概念、针 对性的方法和实施步骤, 如提出元件老化失效模型、共因停运的分离模型及元件组停运模型等新概念。通 过对加拿大某城市电力系统扩建规划实例的分析, 说明如何进行具体工程的可靠性概率评估, 以达到资源 的最佳配置, 使系统风险保持在目标水平。 -Power syste
- 一个关于光伏电站系统设计的资料,以及一些相关的案例介绍。-Introduce a PV power plant system design, as well as some relevant case.
- his paper presents the analysis of real power system events recorded at a light industrial site to determine the effect of a shunt active filter on power quality. The shunt active fdter is shown to improve power quality by lowering the disto
- 风电场建模的案例分析。资料中详细分析了风电场建模的方法,并着重考虑了短路电流、LVRT、稳定性分析等内容。- Using an actual wind farm configuration, this paper compares the effects of modeling detail on power flow calculations such as those used to determine reactive power requirements, voltag
- 太阳能光伏阵列在光照强度不均匀或者处于部分遮阴情形时,它的功率一电压输出特性曲线将出现多峰现象,这种情况下如果继续采用传统的最大功率跟踪法会造成光伏阵列输出功率的降低,从而导致光伏发电系统的效率的降低。 本文首先介绍了光伏并网发电的研究背景和意义,分析了国内外的现状和光伏并网发电关键问题的现状,接着对光伏电池的工作原理、等效模型和输出特性三方面进行了作了全面的分析 在此基础上,深入研究了热斑效应和部分遮阴条件下光伏电池不同的表现性能 然后,本文详细介绍了常用的最大功率跟踪方法的原理、优缺
- CASE24_IEEE_RTS Power flow data for the IEEE RELIABILITY TEST SYSTEM Please see help caseformat for details on the case file format. This system data is from the IEEE RELIABILITY TEST SYSTEM, see IEEE Reliability Test System Task Fo
- AN ANN BASED APPROACH FOR OPTIMAL PLACEMENT OF DSTATCOM FOR VOLTAGE SAG MITIGATION-Voltage sag has been considered as one of the most harmful power quality problem as it may significantly affect industrial production. This paper presents
- Data IEEE300-bus-system. Simulation in Power World program.
- The flexible photovoltaic (PV) modules have the advantage of easily fitting on curved surfaces, but in that case their power–voltage characteristic exhibits localmaximum power points (MPPs) where the PV module power production is suboptimal.
- 现有的向量加权稳健波束形成方法只有在指向误差较小的情况下才能有效估计目标的信号功率;矩阵加权波束形成方法在指向误差较大时,虽然可以估计目标的信号功率,但是它的系统实现复杂度与向量加权稳健波束形 成方法相比较大。针对以上问题,该文提出基于半正定秩松弛(SDR)方法的稳健波束形成,该方法优化模型中的目标函数与Capon 算法的目标函数相同,优化变量为加权向量的协方差矩阵,并约束方向图的主瓣幅度波动范围、旁瓣电平,协方差矩阵的秩为1。-The existing vector weighted ro
- 新唐实现在线任意升级多机通信的思想和实现,可实现在线升级,可以实现通电情况下的在线升级,可以实现批量在线升级,可以实现多机系统的批量升级,可以在通电2s在线升级,可以实现不拆机情况下任意升级灯具!当然我们也可以自己编写上位机把程序传送给工具再升级灯具!但是工具必须要和PC通信就是说!在和PC通信的同时还能很灯具通信!-Online upgrade can be realized online, you can achieve batch online upgrades, you can achi