- 计算机图形学试验 画金刚石 把一个圆周等分成 n份,然后每两点之间连线。当n取奇数时,该图案可一笔连续绘成,即用MoveTo函数确定一个当前点,然后连续用LineTo函数连点成线。 -Computer graphics test painting diamond, such as a circle divided into n parts, and then the connection between every two points. When n is odd, the patte
- 声明一个Shape抽象类,在此基础上派生出Rectangle和Circle类,二者都有GetArea()和GetPerim()函数,GetArea用来计算对象的面积,GetPerim用来计算对象的周长。-Declare an abstract class Shape, on this basis, derived classes Rectangle and Circle, the two have GetArea () and GetPerim () function, GetArea used
- 声明一个圆类作为基类,含成员数据半径R;有成员函数:构造函数实现对基类成员数 据的初始化、计算圆面积的成员函数、输出的成员函数,要求输出圆半径R。把圆类作为基 类,通过公有继承,派生圆柱体类,派生类新增成员数据有高(H);新增成员函数有构造函 数、计算圆柱体体积的函数、输出所有成员的函数。main()完成派生类对象的定义和相关函 数的测试-Declare a class as a base class circle, including members of the data radius R
- - High speed display connection straight to SPI port and pins. - A full 5 x 7 pixel font set and character routines for display. - A numerical and symbol 6 x 16 font set with a colon especially for clocks and other fun large displays. - Special