- Manual Compact Framework
- Along with investigating similarity metrics between audio material, the topic of robust matching of pairs of audio content has gained wide interest recently. In particular, if this matching process is carried out using a compact representation
- In this Tutorial we will use Visual Studio 2010 and C# 4.0. C# is the programming language, while Visual Studio is the development environment. 1.1 Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Micro
- 我们设计一个新奇的规则化框架以学习相似性度量用于无约束人脸验证。我们形式化它的目标函数通过融合鲁棒性对于大规模的个人人脸的内部变化和新奇的相似性度量的辨别力。额外,我们的形式是一个凸优化问题,保证了全局最优解的存在。-we migrate such a geometric model to address face recognition and verification together through proposing a unified archetype hull rankin