- 多天线压缩宽带频谱感知在认知无线电,多级加权小波包分解在宽带频谱感知用在认知无线电上。-Compression of broadband multi-antenna spectrum sensing in cognitive radio, multi-level weighted wavelet packet used in the broadband spectrum sensing in cognitive radio on.
- 有关于认知无线电网络中的动态频谱接入的一些最新文章,很有借鉴价值,对于初学者相信会很有价值。-On cognitive radio networks in the dynamic spectrum access to some of the latest articles, great value, for beginners I believe will be of great value.
- 一篇关于介绍认知无线电系统中线性自信号消除带内频谱感知方法-A cognitive radio system for presentation of the signal in the linear self-eliminating in-band spectrum sensing method
- Robust distributed spectrum sensing in CR
- 关于认知无线电频谱接入的一篇文章,希望对你有用.-Repeated Auctions with Learning for Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks.pdf
- 软合并和检测中的认知无线电协作频谱感知,希望对你有用.-Soft Combination and Detection for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks.pdf
- 频谱感知的基础上最佳的随机共振技术在色噪声背景下认知无线电网络,希望对你有用-Spectrum Sensing Based on Optimal Stochastic Resonance Technique under Color Noise Background in Cognitive Radio Networks.pdf
- In the last few years, there has been enormous improvement in mobile communication services. Due to this rapid growth in the field of communications, the demand for wireless spectrum has increased rapidly. In the early days in order to remove t
- next generation dynamic spectrum acce-next generation dynamic spectrum access
- 概括了各种认知无线电频谱检测方法的原理,也论述了带有多接收机的协作频谱感应方法和一些实际问题。-Outlined the principles of cognitive radio spectrum detection method, also discussed with multiple receiver cooperative spectrum sensing method and some of the practical problems.
- 认知无线电中频谱管理,动态频谱接入,认知MAC等方面的相关综述,对大家理解认知无线电技术有较好的帮助-Cognitive radio spectrum management, dynamic spectrum access, cognitive MAC overview of cognitive radio technology, for all of us to understand better help
- 在认知无线电中,频谱感知频谱分配是两个主要问题,而动态频谱接入是理解频谱感知的关键。-In CR, spectrum sensing and spectrum allocation is the major problem, but the dynamic spectrum access is the key to understand spectrum sensing.
- Cooperative MIMO for spectrum sensing
TV White Spaces as part of the future Spectrum
- The evolution of future wireless communication systems imposes a strong requirement on the efficiency of spectrum usage, which is expected to be leveraged by interacting and cooperating cognitive radio systems (CRS). It is very difficult to find unus
- Cognitive radio is regarded as a promising technology to provide high bandwidth to mobile users via heterogeneous wireless network architectures and dynamic spectrum access techniques.
- Cognitive radio is being intensively researched as the enabling technology for license-exempt access to the so-called TV White Spaces (TVWS), large portions of spectrum in the UHF/VHF bands which become available on a geographical basis after digit
- these files deals with the cognitive radio>>>types of detection and spectrum sensing
- spectrum sensing in cognitive radios using MIMO
- matlab lab codes for spectrum sensing,very good codes
- 认知无线电频谱感知技术单用户感知包括能量感知 、周期感知,介绍了相关感知优化,并仿真分析-Cognitive radio spectrum sensing technology single user perception including energy aware C, cycle perception, introduced the relevant perception optimization, and simulation analysis