本文从基于数据库的知识发现开始,较系统全面地介绍了KDD、数据挖掘都基本概念,并研究了数据挖掘所采用都技术方法和应用领域:在现有研究工作的基础上,提出用连续量代替离散量来表示客体的思想,同时采用积分面积来表示两个客体之间都距离,并对客体进行分类。利用上述方法对学生都数据进行挖掘,得到了一些有用的结论,从而指导学校都教学工作。-Based on the knowledge discovety in database this paper presents a introduction of KDD
数据分析与数据挖掘课程之概论和分析技术,对BI领域概念理解、实现及其有用。-Data analysis and data mining and analysis of courses of Introduction to technology, the concept of understanding the area of BI, and its useful.
数据分析与数据挖掘课程之挖掘概论和技术展现,对BI领域概念理解、实现及其有用。-Data analysis and data mining course Introduction to Mining and Technology show, the concept of understanding the area of BI, and its useful.
① 建立全市干部教育培训工作平台。
② 完善全市干部教育培训电子档案信息库,实现纸质档案扫描存储归档。
③ 实现全市组织系统、重点施教机构等干部教育培训工作的网络实时协同办公,实现短信通知到达。
④ 实现全市干部教育培训数据的信息共享,网络化管理,多维度查询、分析、图文报表,数据挖掘。
⑤ 实现与干部在线学习平台接口,结论信息自动进入电子档案系统。
⑥ 改善干部教育培训的方式,使培训实现科学化与规范化、信息化与自动化,以提高教育培训质量,降低培训成本。
⑦ 改革培训方式,
some techniques and concept in data mining
主要介绍在大型数据库中发现知识(Knowledge Discovery in Large Databases, KDD)的各种技术,是专门针对决策支持中的各类问题进行讨论的高端课程。面向对象为软件工程专业硕士研究生。
本课程讲授的主要内容包括:数据预处理、数据仓库及OLAP、概念描述型数据挖掘、关联规则挖掘、分类挖掘和预测以及聚类挖掘,涉及的领域包括数理统计、概率论、机器学习、信息论、集合论等等。-Introduces knowledge discovery in large dat
the concept of data mining was
summarized, and its significance that contributes to commerce
was illustrated as well. Based on the characteristic, an
important genetic algorithm which is widely used in data
mining technology was proposed, who
ebook data mining concept and application,ebook data mining concept and application
In this era an emerging filed in the data mining is data stream mining. The current research technique of the data stream is classification which mainly focuses on concept drift data. In mining drift data with the single classifier is not sufficient
public affair data set for the matlab input to the data minig concept the data mining the input will be read by the user in the tex formet
Data mining is the process of extracting potentially useful information from a data set. Clustering is a popular data mining technique which is intended to help the user discover and understand the structure or grouping of the data in the set accord