数据分析与数据挖掘课程之概论和分析技术,对BI领域概念理解、实现及其有用。-Data analysis and data mining and analysis of courses of Introduction to technology, the concept of understanding the area of BI, and its useful.
数据分析与数据挖掘课程之挖掘概论和技术展现,对BI领域概念理解、实现及其有用。-Data analysis and data mining course Introduction to Mining and Technology show, the concept of understanding the area of BI, and its useful.
主要介绍在大型数据库中发现知识(Knowledge Discovery in Large Databases, KDD)的各种技术,是专门针对决策支持中的各类问题进行讨论的高端课程。面向对象为软件工程专业硕士研究生。
本课程讲授的主要内容包括:数据预处理、数据仓库及OLAP、概念描述型数据挖掘、关联规则挖掘、分类挖掘和预测以及聚类挖掘,涉及的领域包括数理统计、概率论、机器学习、信息论、集合论等等。-Introduces knowledge discovery in large dat
the concept of data mining was
summarized, and its significance that contributes to commerce
was illustrated as well. Based on the characteristic, an
important genetic algorithm which is widely used in data
mining technology was proposed, who