- 本系统采用80C51单片机为控制核心,利用超声波传感器检测道路上的障碍,控制电动小汽车的自动避障,快慢速行驶,以及自动停车,并可以自动记录时间、里程和速度,自动寻迹和寻光功能。整个系统的电路结构简单,可靠性能高。实验测试结果满足要求,本文着重介绍了该系统的硬件设计方法及测试结果分析。 采用的技术主要有: (1) 通过编程来控制小车的速度; (2) 传感器的有效应用; (3) 新型显示芯片的采用 -Of the 80C51 single-chip microcomputer
- 获取视频,使用背景减差法来检测出运动目标,为了得到目标的主轴方向,提出了边缘梯度法。实验证明,该方法效果明显。使用EKF和UKF来对目标进行跟踪。将跟踪结果和目标检测结果进行了比较,说明了不同滤波跟踪方法的效用。-Access to video, use the background subtraction method to detect moving targets, targets in order to get the main axis direction of the edge gr
- 强主动声纳信号干扰被动声探测的仿真分析.被动声探测是探测和跟踪水中噪声目标的重要手段,但强主动声纳信号的出现将对被动声探测产生很强的干扰作用,影响被动声纳对噪声目标的检测或跟踪。本文通过计算机仿真,分析被动声纳的积分时间、强主动声纳信号的强度、脉冲宽度和发射周期四个因素对强主动声纳信号干扰被动声探测程度的影响。-Simulation analysis of passive acoustic detection of a strong active sonar signal interferenc
- extracting background Bit-layer-A method of achieving background is presented which detect the moving object with statistics from complex scene. Compared with other methods of achieving image background, this approach can achieve and update s
- motion tracking to detect and track moving objects through a sequence of images
- Object detection and tracking are important in many computer vision applications including activity recognition, automotive saf ety, and surveillance. In this example, you w ill develop a simple f ace tracking system by dividing the tracking probl
- The main application of FreeIMU is orientation sensing: by reading the data from the various sensors is possible to compute precisely the orientation of FreeIMU in the space. Recent boards also feature an high resolution barometer allowing to precise
- 视频跟踪是视频信息处理的一个重要研究方向。交通信息管理、公安刑事侦查过程中人的跟踪占有很大比例。基于人脸特征的视频跟踪主要研究视频信息中人脸特征的提取,人脸特征的对比算法,人的运动的分析方法,及跟踪方法,跟踪结果的表示。- criminal investigation,anti-terrorism and military installations. Consequently, to recognize person identity speedy and exactly in large
- 提出了一种新颖的基于光学图像的航迹检测方法. 首先利用纹理分析方法判断待检测区域中是否含有航迹, 然后在通过判断的区域中使用条纹增强算法, 凸现航迹特征, 最后使用Radon 变换检测航迹, 并对结果进行了优化. 与现有的检测方法相比, 该方法针对性强, 复杂度低. 使用该方法对实际航拍图片进行了检测实验, 取得了很好的效果.-Track propose a novel detection method based on the optical image. Firstly texture an
- 提出了一种改进的灰度共生矩阵肝脏CT 图纹理特征分析方法,即首先确定图像ROI 区域,接着构造一个新的能综合反映共生矩阵各角度信息的灰度共生矩阵,然后提取基于该矩阵的纹理特征参数。通过实验验证,上述方法是分析肝脏CT 图的一种快速有效的纹理特征分析方法,对其他特定类别图像的纹理特征分析有参考意义。Radon 变换检测航迹, 并对结果进行了优化. 与现有的检测方法相比, 该方法针对性强, 复杂度低. 使用该方法对实际航拍图片进行了检测实验, 取得了很好的效果.-Track propose a no
- especially on those radars running in a continuous scanning mode. In this paper,we introduce the design principle and structure of high-speed and adaptive mu1 t ichannel radar data recording system,which has been developed in our research