- Patch-based image vectorization with automatic curvilinear, Automatic and topology-preserving gradient mesh generation for image vetorization, Diffusion curves: a vector representation for smooth-shaded images.
- 基于半调法的误差扩散方法,利用误差扩散抖动的方法,使图像灰度级增强,提高画面质量。-Error diffusion halftoning method based error diffusion method jitter, enhanced image gray level, to improve the picture quality.
- 基于各向异性扩散的非线性正则化Perona-Malik模型,实现对图像的平滑滤波-Regularization based on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion Perona-Malik model, image smoothing filter
- Adaptive Perona–Malik Model Based on the Variable Exponent for Image DenoisingThis paper introduces a class of adaptivePerona–Malik (PM) diffusion, which combines the PM
- 香港流感病毒的传播模型SIR,给定初值和固定不变的传染概率b和k得到的扩散变化图像-Diffusion Model SIR fluctuation propagation of influenza virus in Hong Kong, a given initial value, and probability of infection fixed image obtained by b and k
- In the existing bilateral filtering algorithm, the domain parameters and range parameters need to be predefined. Parameters of a bilateral filter are fixed and cannot guarantee to be optimal. A new adaptive bilateral filtering (ABF) is proposed i