- Write a program to convert an alog voltage into digital value using an ADC chip 0816. Chip 0816 is a 16 channel ADC. The program should be able to convert the analog voltage applied to any of the 16 channels. Display the channel number and its digita
- 如何将八位二进制数转成十进制数并通过三位数码显像管输出-How to convert a binary number to 8 decimal number and through three digital CRT output
- this basically a type of converter to convert an analog signal which has analog data into a digital signal which would be random in nature-this is basically a type of converter to convert an analog signal which has analog data into a digital signal w
- 基于数字下变频的低通滤波器设计,原理和设计理念-digital down convert or ddc low digital filter design
- ADC0809 是8 位逐次逼近型A/D转换器。它由一个8路模拟开关、一个地址锁存译码器、一个A/D 转换器和一个三态输出锁存器组成(见图1)。多路开关可选通8个模拟通道,允许8 路模拟量分时输入,共用A/D 转换器进行转换。三态输出锁器用于锁存A/D 转换完的数字量,当OE 端为高电平时,才可以从三态输出锁存器取走转换完的数据。-ADC0809 8-bit successive approximation A/D converter. It consists of an 8-channel a
- 可以实现十进制转换成任意字长的二进制。并又可以按照这个二进制转换成十进制。这个程序对于分析不同字长对于IIR数字滤波器和FIR滤波器的影响是非常有用的。-Decimal to convert any word length of the binary. And also in accordance with this binary to decimal conversion. This program is very useful for the analysis of the impact o
- The convergence of computers, the internet, and wide variety of interactive video devices, in most of the multimedia applications, all using different color representations, is forcing the digital designer today to convert be
- MCP2561/2 是一款可容错的高速 CAN 器件,可用作 CAN 协议控制器和物理总线之间的接口。 MCP2561/2 器件可为CAN协议控制器提供差分收发功能,并且完全 符合 ISO-11898-5 标准。其工作速率最高可达 1 Mb/s。 通常, CAN 系统中的每个节点都必须有一个器件将 CAN 控制器生成的数字信号转换为适合总线电缆传输 (差分输出)的信号。它还在 CAN 控制器和 CAN 总线 上产生的高压尖峰信号之间加入了缓冲器,这些高压尖 峰信号