- To fully utilize the character of the bioradar echo signal, autocorrelation analysis, spectral estimation methods and time-frequency analysis are presented in this paper. These methods are employed to deal with no one, single people and multi-people
- The report details the implementation of distance measurement system using the ultrasonic waves. As the human ear’s audible perception range is 20 Hz to 20 kHz, it is insensitive to ultrasonic waves, and hence the ultrasound waves can be used for
- 基于高阶累积量的生命微动信号检测方法的研究成果,发表在IEEE Transaction Geoscience and Remote Sensing 期刊上-The research on vital information extraction meets a lot challenges due to the narrow bandwidth and low signal-to-noise ratio of a vital sign in real environment. In th
- 基于高阶累积量的生命微动信号检测方法的研究成果,发表在IEEE Transaction Geoscience and Remote Sensing 期刊上-The research on vital information extraction meets a lot challenges due to the narrow bandwidth and low signal-to-noise ratio of a vital sign in real environment. In th
- 为达到干涉合成孔径声纳系统对信号源的特殊要求,提出了一种基于SOPC技术的FPGA实现方法,该信号源一方面提供给发射机模拟信号,还给回波信号采集系统提供时钟和同步信号以保证信号系统时间一致性,同时还给接收机的时变增益信号实现对回波信号衰减的补偿 另一方面还实时采集并传输声纳系统在水下的运动姿态、深度、压力等信息 经过湖试和海试,该信号源系统完成了模拟信号和数字信号各项指标的测试,满足设计要求。-To reach the special requirements interferometric s
- 编写基于数据报套接字进行通信的服务器端和客户端程序,要求: 客户端以字符串的形式循环发送“data0”到“data9”到服务器端; 服务器端收到每个字符串后,获取客户端的IP地址,然后按如下格式显示该字符串:“data0 from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx为IP地址) 同时,服务器回应一个echo信号到客户端,格式为:“XXXXXXXX echo data0” (XXXXXXXX为学号); 客户端收到应答后,显示应答信息。- W
- The word Radar is the acronym of Radio detection and ranging. Radar is an active instrument, which measures the echo of scattering objects, surfaces and volumes illuminated by an electromagnetic wave internally generated belonging to the microwave po
- 语音信号的延时和混响 1)利用Windows下的录音机或其他软件,录制一段自己的语音信号,时间控制在1s左右,并对录制的信号进行采样; 2)语音信号的频谱分析,画出采样后语音信号的时域波形和频谱图; 3)将信号加入延时和混响,再分析其频谱,并与原始信号频谱进行比较; 4)设计几种特殊类型的滤波器:单回声滤波器,多重回声滤波器,全通结构的混响器,并画出滤波器的频域响应; 5)用自己设计的滤波器对采集的语音信号进行滤波; 6)分析得到信号的频谱,画出滤波后信号的时域波形和频谱